SAXON destroys NJ MetalFest last night.

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I am in awe at FINALLY get to see one of my heroes.
I was just incredibly happy to get to see them that close too.
GREAT SHOW,Biff seemed jet lagged,via the flew in from England ,so,I'm a lil F'ked up.:lol:
My hat off and TOTAL RESPECT to SAXON.

talkin bout my wheels of steel men.:evil:
REAL TRUCKER.I'd drive the bus for nothing but Room and Board.And I do have Class A CDL's too:lol: (HINT)
and oh,you others that were ther.I was the Big guy hanging with King Fowley and Deceased and October 31.
Ya'll p[robably heard me BELLOWING WHEELS OF STEEL BIFF!:lol:
Cheers all.

There was no intro for Saxon, and they did their own roadying. Fritz set up himself. They used the same drumset as the last three bands. Typical festival thing, just get them on, play them and get them off.

Biff came on and said "Hello, this first song is Killing Ground from our new album". And off they went. I'm so glad they got the main stage because the other two stages sound systems resembeled train wrecks. I'm not into death metal, or porn rap, or chick bands, thank you. I'll be in the bar for those. Nevertheless, on to the second song. Biff says that they just landed in Newark from England so after an 8 hour flight and then to the gig within hours, they were beat and didnt even put a set list together. Hence the requests that they couldnt hear from the 1000 people in the main stage represented by 25 rows of Saxon fans and 50 rows behind of onlookers. Then figure 100 more upstairs in the balcony, half of which in their respected front rows. Everyone chanting SAXON SAXON SAXON

So off the plane they announced 20,000 feet.
I can't remember the order of songs, but it was pretty much nastoglia from there. No more Killing Ground. No more Metalhead. No more unleashed. Just Innocense and earlier.

As far as the shirts go, I figured that Saxon says they just arrived fron the airport. I figured that they didnt charter their own plane so daimondhead may have been with them. That would explain the lack of headliners shirt booths. I looked for Saxon and Daimondhead stuff untill Daimondhead started, then I gave up.

Anyone going to the US tour wants to grab me a shirt, I'll paypal you for it.

Welcome to America, Saxon!
FDNY will remember our broken heroes!

God Bless!

Im tellin' ya man,I had the timne of my life.Seeing them made my year.I was with Mrak Adamd of Decaesed up in the beer boothand he was chatting with a member of Diamond Heads group.Seems like they said that they had come in with Saxon.
I wanted another shirt for my collection also.But,oh well,I'll see them again.After that show,You damn right,I'll catch them again.Great band.

Thanks for the micro review guys. I'm going to see Saxon in Cleveland tonight. I haven't seen the boys since the Unleashed tour. I hope that the t-shirt booth is setup tonight. I've been saving up some cash to see what wares they're offering.

The reason Saxon did not do any signings was because Biff was sick. They stayed on the bus when they got to the venue. Also The tables from Vyagra music were selling Diamond Head t-shirts that they had made for the metalfest. DH came in on Wednesday. They did an instore at Vyagra On Thursday, along with Blitzkrieg. All the guys from both bands are the nicest guys. I had alot of fun hanging out with them. DH did a radio interview in Pa on Thursday that I took them too. I also drove Blitzkrieg to PA on Sunday so they could stay the night with John from Vyagra.

ALL of them Great guys,keeping the Metal Flame buring bright.
HellYes.Thank you!