Saxon - Dogs of War. Any good?


Jan 20, 2002
"the flower & willow world"
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The recent Saxon records have all been stellar, IMO. However, I've read mixed reviews about Dogs of War and am wondering if the album is worth owning. Is it as strong as recent albums (Lionheart, Metalhead, Unleash the Beast, Killing Ground)?
It doesn't match up to the mentioned titles. Seriously. It was sort of the gateway to the comeback. I'd pass. However, since you've brought the subject up, a lost Saxon album that I think was great, was Destiny. To me this was the first real attempt at a comeback. It has a strange, but oddly not bad, cover of Christopher Cross' Ride Like The Wind (really, it's not too bad!), but it also has some real classic metal tunes; Red Alert (about Chernobyl), and a great song called Jericho Sirens. Both of these would go well on Metalhead or Power and The Glory - very cool. The rest is good too, but those are the standouts.

I did notice in your parenthitical list that you didn't mention Heavy Metal Thunder, which came out between Killing Ground and Lionheart. It's actually re-recordings of old classics. That's a risky experiment to be sure, but in their case it works. Hearing, say, Crusader or Motorcycle Man with modern sounding amps and an up to date drummer turns out to be a treat. I'm a die hard guy for the old stuff, but that album is very good.

I've got just about every Saxon album, and Dogs Of War is like Innocense is no Excuse, not emberrasing, but I never listen to it. Of course, perhaps you'd feel different. It's heavy, but lacks the hooks of the albums you mentioned (all of which are great).
I havent heard too much about Dogs of War myself ...but i agree about the last few Saxon records .... Lionheart, is one of the best Saxon records since the 80s
"Dogs Of War" is an excellent album, to me far more superior than "Solid Ball Of Rock", "Metalhead", "Forever Free", "Destiny", "Rock The Nations".

It also marked the departure of Graham Oliver from the band (to subsequently create a fake/bastardized band living of Saxon name), and nevertheless the guitar work, melody overall, harmony and passion are up in front, with maybe the exception of 'Walking Through Tokyo' that it's kind of boring.
Wyvern said:
"Dogs Of War" is an excellent album, to me far more superior than "Solid Ball Of Rock", "Metalhead", "Forever Free", "Destiny", "Rock The Nations".

yeah, last Saxon albums are pretty cool but, still, nothing beats the "classic" era (from Wheels of Steel to Crusader) :headbang:
T.I.E. said:
yeah, last Saxon albums are pretty cool but, still, nothing beats the "classic" era (from Wheels of Steel to Crusader) :headbang:

That's almost a rule for most long running bands (e.g. BS, JP, IM, DP, etc), but regarding Saxon "Unleash the Beast", "Killing Ground" and "Lionheart" are astoundingly strong albums, and fair heirs to the legacy of the 80's, that's why I have DOW as middle point between the weaker albums and the mighty classics.
I think as good as wheels of steel and denim and leather were for their time......they lack the power of the newer releases that the band are putting out now. I mean, the earlier records guitar work had a pretty simple AcDc like quality that doesnt sound as heavy as the stuff they are putting out today .
I agree with Fred. The old albums are great but I like the newer ones better. they sound more up to date and the playing on it is just more metal.
sure, they sound more heavy.... but Biff used to have a better voice. age damaged it (to a minor extent) and made it a tad tiresome for me... :(
T.I.E. said:
sure, they sound more heavy.... but Biff used to have a better voice. age damaged it (to a minor extent) and made it a tad tiresome for me... :(

I can imagine that. have you seen them live lately?
nope, to my shame I've seen Saxon only once... on their Crusader tour...

maybe I'll give 'em a try if the tickets are not too expensive... :rolleyes:
Fred B said:
I think as good as wheels of steel and denim and leather were for their time......they lack the power of the newer releases that the band are putting out now. I mean, the earlier records guitar work had a pretty simple AcDc like quality that doesnt sound as heavy as the stuff they are putting out today .
details and complexity in music isn't always good imo, I like the simpler Saxon work - even if the riffs are predictable etc.. that's what makes AC/DC fun, that's what makes MANY bands good bands
T.I.E. said:
nope, to my shame I've seen Saxon only once... on their Crusader tour...

maybe I'll give 'em a try if the tickets are not too expensive... :rolleyes:

Should should really try to see them live. Biff is amazing live. The last 3 times I saw them he managed to sing the high parts in Motorcylce man! I am not kidding! :headbang:
Biff still has it live indeed! Not to forget that Saxon usually play long shows (I once saw them playing for almost 3 hours) when some much younger bands play for 80 mins at best.

As for Dogs of War I only listened to it once, not enough to have a clear opinion about it. Might be time to give it another spin.
Hawk said:
I agree with Fred. The old albums are great but I like the newer ones better. they sound more up to date and the playing on it is just more metal.

I share this opinion, as well. I do love the classics, but the latest albums have this....grand scope and feel about them. I'm not sure how to articulate this. I don't think the music is "epic" in the progressive metal sense, but there's an aura of might or power there....particularly on Lionheart and Killing Ground.
ElectricWiz said:
I did notice in your parenthitical list that you didn't mention Heavy Metal Thunder, which came out between Killing Ground and Lionheart. It's actually re-recordings of old classics. That's a risky experiment to be sure, but in their case it works. Hearing, say, Crusader or Motorcycle Man with modern sounding amps and an up to date drummer turns out to be a treat. I'm a die hard guy for the old stuff, but that album is very good.

Thanks, EWiz. I do have Thunder, as well. I friggin love it! The new version of Crusader slays the original, IMO! Awesome record.
I quit picking up Saxon after Solid Ball of Rock or so. They just kinda lost me around there somewhere. Almost like they were trying a little too hard to make it big or something -- a little more radio friendly than they had been. After going through this thread I'm going to have to check them out again.

Their live show is what got me started on them. They were warm up for Motley Crue on their "Shout at the Devil" tour. They toured the States relentlessly back in those days. The only time I saw them headline was on "Rock the Nations". What an awesome show that was and I got to meet them after the show. Talk about acting like a total fanboy. :dopey:
Just to back up what I was saying in a previous post, here's what Saxon played on the Killing Ground tour 2001 (the gig in Strasbourg) :

Intro (Prelude to War)
Killing Ground
747 Strangers in the Night
Dallas 1pm
Dogs of War
Court of the Crimson King (King Crimson cover)
Backs to the Wall
Never Surrender
Broken Heroes
20 000 Feet
Denim and Leather
The Thin Red Line
Dragon's Lair
Conquistador / Drum solo
Heavy Metal Thunder / Conquistador (reprise)
Rock is Our Life
Solid Ball of Rock
The Eagle has Landed
Strong Arm of the Law
And the Band Played On
Wheels of Steel
Motorcycle Man
Princess of the Night
The Power and the Glory

I wish some other bands played such long sets! :headbang:
I wish I can see Saxon live now, I don't feel Byff has lost that much presence and with such an awsome catalogue they probably one of the best metal acts to wish for.

And Fang post confirm it for me :D, only the encore is pure orgasm