Saxon not playing Dubai

May 16, 2001
St.ALbans, England
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according to blabbermouth...

According to, British heavy metal legends SAXON will not be performing at this year's Dubai Desert Rock Festival — set to take place on March 16 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates — because one of their songs from the 1980s includes lyrics about freeing the Holy Land and spilling Muslim blood.

Concert organizers Centre Stage Management (CSM) said yesterday (March 12) that Dubai's Department of Tourism and Commerce Marketing (DTCM) had withdrawn permission for the band to perform on Thursday "without citing a specific reason."

However, CSM said that controversy created by the publication of the song's lyrics in local media had influenced the decision.

"Band members were immediately labelled in most Arabic newspapers as racists, Arab haters, who wanted to put all Muslims to the sword," Joann Shams, business development manager for CSM said.

No one from the DTCM was available for comment yesterday. Last week, a local Arab paper translated and published the lyrics to SAXON's 1984 song "Crusader" and said:

"The question here for the band and the organisers is what will SAXON do in Dubai's land and on Arabian sands? Are they going to make us, the Saracen heathens, taste their music just as if their guitars were swords made of steel."

"SAXON...calls for the mass extermination of Arabs," the article added. CSM said the band’s management was informed last night and that they expressed "shock" over the decision.

In a statement sent to BLABBERMOUTH.NET by SAXON's management, the band said, "We are very disappointed that we can’t play to our fans in the Middle East. We are not and never have been a racist band. The lyrics of the song 'Crusader' have been taken totally out of context. Many of the songs we write are based on historical events e.g. 'Dallas 1 PM' (Kennedy's assassination), 'Conquistador' (The Conquest of South America), 'Crusader' (The 12th Century) — the songs are not intended to be taken as any form of propaganda, the song is a snapshot of an event in history, the lyrics are intended to give a flavour of what it must have been like in the army at the time. Saladin, the leader of the Saracens, was also a mighty warrior and his battles would make a good vehicle for a great metal song as well.

"The journalist who wrote about 'Crusader' was obviously trying to cause as much trouble as possible. We don't write lyrics to inside hatred or racism, we have fans all over the world of every colour and religion and music should be used to break down barriers and not to build them."

SAXON had been scheduled to arrive on Thursday morning (March 16) and perform alongside five other bands, including MEGADETH, at Desert Rock. More than 4,000 tickets have been sold so far and organisers expect 8,000 to turn up, according to
Well at least there is publicity for Saxon! If Megadeth and Testament have "balls" they cancell too. For the freedom of speech! Dubai expands economicly, now its time they must expand in the head, to set the mind free.. When I read this I immediately had to think of SAXONATOR, who did remove his 'freedom of speech"and it was so innocent...People lets defend the freedom of speech.. Its just a song! Everyone knows that Saxon-members are anti-war! The Crusader song is just an hisorical song, about an event that took place in real history..If Saxon , just because of a song, may not perform, what is the case, then it is good that they don't go...but I understand it is sad for the real enlighted metalhead-kids and people who just wanted to have an enjoying period! Very weak that the organizers bow to the ears of freedom of speech-killing people!

I have always said: Biff's lyrics are very strong (LOL) and its now even translated in Arabic Language. Which Heavy Metal leadsinger has ever reached that standard? No-one, so see it as a compliment Biff!

If Megadeth decides to play Dubai, maybe they can perform the song Crusader? Would be at least a kind of statement from the free world against the killing of free-speech! Would be fun!

Crusader, Crusader, please take me with you
The battle lies far to the East
Crusader, Crusader, don't leave me alone
I want to ride out on your Quest

I'm waiting, I'm waiting, to stand by your side
To fight with you over the sea
The're calling, they're calling, I have to be there
The Holy Land has to be free

Fight the good fight (*)
Believe what is right
Crusader, Lord of the Realm
Fight the good fight
With all your might
Crusader, Lord of the Realm

We're marching, we're marching to a land far from home
No-one can say who'll return
For Christendom's sake, we'll take our revenge
On the pagan from out of the East

We Christians are coming, with swords held on high
United by Faith and the cause
The Saracen heathen will soon taste our steel
Our standards will rise 'cross the land

(Repeat *)

To battle, to battle, the Saracen hordes
We follow the warrior king
Onward, ride onward, into the fight
We carry the sign of the cross

Warlords of England, Knights of the Realm
Spilling their blood in the sand
Crusader, Crusader, the legend is born
The future will honour your deeds
(Repeat *)


This is twlight zone shit.Just about very metal bands write about war.Peaces sells is one of the greatest albums ever.Have Megadeth be banned from playing countries where there has ever been a war.
Blimey! I suppose there'll be some kind of jihad placed on them now. I recall the last time I saw Saxon, there was some born-again christian bloke outside the venue reading the bible and trying to prevent people from hearing the 'devil's music'. I suspect next time, it'll be Islamic suicide bombers. What next? The French government banning 'Killing Ground'? Gah! The world today!
Being English, I am extremely offended by the song 'Battle Cry' - where Saxon are clearly extolling the Scots rise up and ethnically cleanse the English. I demand an apology and full monetary compensation for the grave offence this has caused me. :loco:
I just can't get into my head.I mean i enjoy slapping nazis as much as the next bloke.But i have never considered Saxon to be racist.If i had have done like most people with half a brain i would have never bothered with them at all.I dont have a problem with Islam.I just hate all religion.But in todays climate this is not helping matters.Its just fucking rock n roll.
I cant evan start to put into words how much this is pissing me off.
I know they don't many shows in this part of the world so I wonder why they can't just enjoy the music and rock on...maybe its time we left this shythole and let do their own thing...

IRON MAIDEN / SAXON / FASTWAY June 12, 1983 Spokane, WA
I can't believe this happened. Got the news this morning, thought it was the most ridiculous thing i've ever heard, im a muslim, an arab, and i love the song crusader and in no way do i find it religously offensive. I flew in from doha to dubai last year to watch saxon although they could not perform due to biff's house burning down, and now that i live in dubai i was ecstatic when i heard the news of saxon playing here. The dubai desert rock organisers have ripped me off, and the only reason i am attending this show is for megadeth now that saxon have been cancelled. The people here in the arab press need to grow the fuck up, thanks to their false claims they have prevented a large number of fans from seeing saxon.
This is fucking whack. Saxon fans out here r pissed at this. A lot of them r going to the show just to watch them and now they would have to cancel their plans in the last minute. Not to mention losing a wad of cash over their tickets.
Maiden England said:
I can't believe this happened. Got the news this morning, thought it was the most ridiculous thing i've ever heard, im a muslim, an arab, and i love the song crusader and in no way do i find it religously offensive. I flew in from doha to dubai last year to watch saxon although they could not perform due to biff's house burning down, and now that i live in dubai i was ecstatic when i heard the news of saxon playing here. The dubai desert rock organisers have ripped me off, and the only reason i am attending this show is for megadeth now that saxon have been cancelled. The people here in the arab press need to grow the fuck up, thanks to their false claims they have prevented a large number of fans from seeing saxon.[/qu
Thanks for the post.Its good to hear the point of view from somone livivng in the UAE.
Wow! I feel bad for the Saxon fans there wanting to go but I also stand by Saxon for sticking to their guns if it meant changing up the setlist to satisfy anybody other then themselves.


I'm going to crank CRUSADER too! :kickass:
Hi all!

I am also living here in Dubai. As a long time fan of Saxon, I was absolutely excited that the guys will play at Desert Rock !

Everybody I have talked to - whatever nationality or religion - is disappointed and of course they love the song "crusader".

I have not expected something like this. Within the years, desert rock was getting bigger and the organisers were getting really good bands over here. And compared to other muslim countries, Dubai still is quite open minded. We will never know exactly why the permission to play was taken back on very short notice.

I feel sorry for the band as they have done their preparation and for us, the fans.