saxon t-shirt


Oct 25, 2002
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I went to see a triple-header of relatively new bands on Monday night and the bass player from Hurricane Party was proudly sporting a Saxon t-shirt. Good lad! They were excellent BTW so see them if you get chance. They were on with The Black Velvets and The Glitterati. Not too keen on the TBV but The Glitterati were decent enough. :rock:
I saw them at rock city on 2nd april. Hurricane party were the star act of the night, great bunch of lads, had a chat with them all, got thier autograph and had my pic took with them all, awesome. Didnt think much of the other bads though.
I though hurricane party sounded like posion. I have seen them before when they supported queesnryche, they are playing download.
valanx said:
Just curious bert, what shirt was it ?

Sorry Valanx I could only make out the band name. I couldn't see the picture clearly through the crowd. I didn't look like a tour shirt though. Black shirt with SAXON in red above a mainly white image. :hypno:
Never heard of them myself, are they like 80s metal like Ratt ?

....I love RaTT !!

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