Say goodbye to Christ-mas

I'm a big believer that all religious arguing is bull shit. I don't get when people mention Allah, the easter bunny, black jesus, white jesus, Elmer fudd, Buddah, or Elvis. I don't believe in the concept of the one true faith or evil religions, I do believe that in any catagory of society that there are doochebags. From hard right conservitive Christians to Muslim extremests and everything in betwen. If you want Kwanza mentioned durring the Christmas season, mention it, don't expect me to. Don't act offended that other people may subscribe to some other flavor of bullshit that you don't unless you're ready for me to get offended at your flavor of bull shit.
How many Jews, Muslims , Kwanzans and the rest celebrate the commercial aspect of buying and receiving gifts during the Christmas's one trys to take the "One God" out of Yom one trys to take the "harvest" out of that pathetic excuse of a "holiday", Kwanza...that's as much a holiday as Valentine's day...completely fabricated.

Believe what you believe...but this country is based on religious freedom and this point Christmas is more a part of American culture than it is a religious holiday.
I say Merry Christmas to everyone. It's what I celebrate, I could care less what the other person celebrates. It's my expression of good cheer.

I also celebrate Festivus (you know for the rest of us). My favorite part is the airing of Grievances.

Oh by the way Merry Christmas to all of You great people on the board.
I say Merry Christmas to everyone. It's what I celebrate, I could care less what the other person celebrates. It's my expression of good cheer.

I also celebrate Festivus (you know for the rest of us). My favorite part is the airing of Grievances.

Oh by the way Merry Christmas to all of You great people on the board.

momo, hows you aluminum pole look this year? i didn't add tinsel to mine because i find it distracting.