Say what you will about Dream Theater...

drunken 5 year old said:
Clerks, Dogma, and Chasing Amy are genius. GENIUS!!! the others range from stupid fun crap to "at least J.Lo fucking died."

Chasing Amy is quite possibly the single most irritating movie made in the past 15 years.

How could YUO NAD, of all people, not absolutely LOVE Mallrats?
markgugs said:
Chasing Amy is quite possibly the single most irritating movie made in the past 15 years.

How could YUO NAD, of all people, not absolutely LOVE Mallrats?

are you high? Chasing Amy is by far his best movie, second only to Clerks.
No, it's terrible.

I have to seriously question the taste of anyone who tells me that a movie starring Ben Affleck is even remotely good, let alone the glass-shattering awfulness of Joey Lauren Adams's voice.

If I never see that movie again, it'll be too soon. Even Jason Lee can't save it, and he rules.
I wish. I'd light him on fire.

He's had 3 tolerable roles: Mallrats (it's high comedy that he only wants to bang chicks in the ass), Dazed & Confused (he plays the evil, left-back dickhead so well), and Good Will Hunting.
that Changing Lanes flick he was good in too ...

Chasing Amy was good as a movie in general ... not because of fucking Affleck
never seen mallrats. i dont remember him in dazed and confused for some reason. cant even picture his face in that movie. i CAN however picture him acting the way he acts in every single movie he's been in. dont know how to describe it - how about "really bad"?
hehehe ... he is kind of a chameleon in Dazed ... he plays O'Banion ... the guy that always goes after the freshmen in his pickup ... and then gets paint or some shit dumped on him.

DAZED is just a brilliant movie :kickass:
lurch70 said:
that Changing Lanes flick he was good in too ...

Chasing Amy was good as a movie in general ... not because of fucking Affleck

I can't remember Changing Lanes at all; it's possibly I've never seen it.

Chasing Amy was an interesting story that was just so poorly cast, I just...bleh. And really, falling in love with a lesbian? Who was only a lesbian because she was fingercuffed? Give me a friggin' break already.

The only part I liked was at the comic book convention in the beginning; that was funny shitz.
by far the best Jay and Silent Bob monologue in that movie ..

Smith is saying that Clerks 2 has now surpased Chasing Amy as the fave movie he ever made ... not sure how to react to that announcement.
dorian gray said:
matthew mccccon'o'hey's character in "dazed" ruled

by far the best role he ever had ... he was perfect for it.

since then he has been playing "himself" in every movie
lurch70 said:
since then he has been playing "himself" in every movie
well said.
one role i really like him in though was the sherriff in lone star. a fucking awesome movie. it was more of a cameo for him though. which was enough.
lurch and i are definitely on the same page with Chasing Amy and Dazed and Confused. i mean, those two movies are so good even not even Affleck can't knock them down a peg. :kickass:

Mallrats has excellent one-liners and Brody fucking RULES, but overall it's a pretty piss-poor movie. lousy plot, shit characters, blah blah blah. have you ever seen the original opening scene? oh man that was one of the most painful moments i've ever endured.

in closing:

Jason London >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jeremy London
also CHASING AMY is so good ... even Jason Lee could not ruin it ... now there is a piss poor one dimensional actor.