Say what you will about Dream Theater...

It's a great album, although I never listen to it any more. Their best by FAR.

Upload "Under a Glass Moon", Nico.
drunken 5 year old said:
fuckin Ipud and Itools man, i still feel like ooooooooh mr. fancyman with his CEE-DEE PLAYER!!! the technological world has left NAD behind.
:tickled: :tickled: :tickled:

i guess i'm just too gay for Dream Theater. oh wait, past minute 4 this is pretty kickass. huh that John Pepteohsthsrurciicicii is pretty good huh. huh?
Now he's going to launch into his rap about how he's just doing his job; following orders. Friends, let me tell you about another bunch of hate mongers that were just following orders: they were called Nazis, and they practically wiped a nation of people from the Earth... just like cigarettes are doing now! Cigarette smoking is the new Holocaust, and those who partake in the practice of smoking or sell the wares that promote it are the Nazis of the nineties! He doesn't care how many people die from it! He smiles as you pay for your cancer sticks and says, "Have a nice day."
hey hey hey. there are germans here. we dont want to offend them and their desire to take over the entire world.