Saying Hi, stopping by, and a "pic" of the family...


Alone Within My Lunacy
Sep 4, 2001
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I'm going to try and post a picture of "the family" (Shannon, Iann, myself, and our dog "Fancy".)

Talked to ledmag on the phone. He says hello and he is doing fine. He's been busy with work and life.

I missed Headbangers w/Judas Priest last night. Hope I can catch a rerun.

Watched "Bad Santa" w/Billy Bob Thorton. Hilarious.

Well I hope the picture works.


It didn't work. Damnit.

here ya go! nice pic :D

*SHIT that was a typo, sorry*
Thanks Will, I truly appreciate you posting the pick. Yes, Iann is a small baby. This picture was taken about 3 weeks ago. However, Iann is 7 pounds, 2 ounces now. Hope you noticed my "SHADOWS FALL" shirt. And yes, I do have a mullet. So what! Ledmag and I discussed how "the mullet" is probably the most worn "hairstyle" among men ( and some women). My hair was longer, then I let my "friends" cut my hair after a night of Corana, Jose Cuervo (I ate the worm), and Jagermeister. I cut it for a better job and I got the job. But, I'm letting it grow back out to one length like it was. Slowly but surely. Thanks to all for the comments. I saw the Headbangers with Judas Priest. Jamie mentioned NEVERMORE & SHADOWS FALL touring with Priest. That would be a great bill.

Cheers and Take care