SCALD - Northern Irish band


Dec 8, 2001
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I remember reading somewhere of the labels interest in this unique, disturbing and frankly amazing band. Just out of curiosity what went wrong? I would have thought they would be perfect for your roster?
well, I think you noticed my name in their news update as I'm helping them in promotion.
personally I'm the first fan of the band and a great friend of them (beside considering me a Scald's little helper).
I love so much their unique sound and I wish all the best to them as Scald are one of the most innovative bands around.
check their site for updates and samples
I agree that Scald would fit onto code666's diverse roster. The new album, Headworm, deserves to be released by a label.
Headworm for me was easily the best album of 2003... and I agree with you Dreamlord... I was just wondering how anyone could let this gem slip through their fingers? Amazing stuff.
I was actually quite embarrased when I first saw this thread, I thought maybe that Emi might think that i'd put someone up to it. Obviously he's not as cynical as me and didn't :D

Since then i did a bit of looking about and found out these two chaps had bought 'Headworm' and had been singing it's praises elsewhere.
It's heartening to see that people care enough about Scald to spread the word.
Cheers, we're sending out promos to press now so hopefully word will spread further. Reaction has been overwhelming so far.

i reckon this could be the only way forward because labels don't seem to be getting the jist of it at all. Its an album that requires a bit of listener time + effort and its hard to ask for that when youre sitting in a 6ft pile of demos.

As far as code666 goes, the effort was made and Emi gave it his consideration, he decided against and thats his decision. It was obviously a disapointment as Code666 is one of the few labels I admire but there are certainly no hard feelings and I am eternally grateful for the advice he's given us since.

Michele has been a great friend for a long time before this and continues to be, and also an invaluable asset to the Scald crusade. One of the very few that i trust.

if anyone wants to buy this noisy thing they can go to for details
hopefully we'll have some sort of paypal shit sorted soon

headworm is only the start, you will not be prepared for what is to follow :heh:

hail code666
Paul - Scald

ps. congrats on the baby Emi
sleep will soon be a memory :loco:
Hi mate,
that's great to see you there and I'm sure this army of Scald fans we started will soon become a large one. As I said I'm honoured to be onboard and be sure I will do my best to support the world domination campaign!
:loco: you'll have a bit of a wait Emi, hopefully if someone takes up headworm we'll in the studio before the end of the year to re-record nematoid and another instrumental track
I'm trying to figure the drum patterns for the instrumental now, but its about 20 minutes long and no riff gets repeated
my brain is mush o_O

the next proper album will take a couple of years, its all written
3 tracks approx 70 minutes, but it'll run like a single track...grind prog :err:

anyway, cheers to michele for the review there
they're starting to appear now so maybe a bit of interest will be stirred
heres a nice little 10/10
I'd like the Rancid Fuckhole demo! I have Born WIth Teeth, the two Nematoid's and Headworm. I'm in the US, so I can Paypal ya the postage costs.
aye but they're one of the best bands on the planet today in my opinion :D and yeh Paul I'd definately be interested in the Rancid Fuckhole tape. Will mail you about it when I get the chance.