Scald (the Irish one)

unhinged said:
out of interest, have you heard anything like it since?

Nope. Not even close.

interesting point
I think a lot of the so called avante garde, simply isn't, like a lot of prog isn't progressive but retrogressive reworking
nothing is 100% original, I think it must be down to the %

right, I agree. I mean how much longer are we going to classify black metal super groups with a piano as avant garde?

the only reason I used the term regarding Scald was that there is simply no other band that I can think of that sounds even a bit similar.

I get kind of a Scald vibe with Wreck of the Hesperus, but that mostly in with the slower parts or ambient parts. Both sound doomy and creepy with those ambient sections. But that's about it.

not telling, :cool: I think it'll surprise a few
it kind of balances up our spectrum with vermiculatus
we've been rehearsing it and the design was done ages ago
lets just say it could get us into some serious shit where we live

You didn't turn Brit-pop did you? :yell::yuk::dopey::loco:

well its not quite true i suppose, the bit that we all played totals about 28-29 minutes, maybe a bit longer
the ambient sectionat the end is created from individual sound files from that session and some extra bits that have been recorded and some i've created

to put it very simply the whole concept / track represents a life and all its turmoils compressed into a day
the live bit that we play represents awake time , the ambient is sleep

right back to the point, on the bit that we play there are riffs that are repeated, it may be played twice, three times , nine times or whatever
a part might be made from 1-3 riffs and these will interplay
but once that part is done we don't return to it
there are 40 parts
if this makes any sense? its kind of hard to explain

Yeah, I think I get it. I understand the part that you don't return to the riff later in the track. I just didn't know if you played more than one scale (this is the term used back in 7th grade, so I'm going with it) of eachof any riff.

this is a problem we have
I suppose things are too disposable these days and people expect everything to be instant
we get called death quite a bit but I think its kind of a false
I really don't feel much of a connection to death metal in our music
theres a lot more thrash in there than death
doom I'm fine with
grind and crust also, thats were are roots and sound are
prog we're pretty big on, you'll hear more rush + king crimson than death if you listen closely
and of course some hardcore punk, misfits, discharge , DRI, dead kennedys

This goes back to what JayK is always preaching about how people simply have the attention span of a 5-year-old these days and what the latest band of the month. ANd also, no one wants to put any effort into actually listening, instead just wanting something to be catchy.
J. said:
Nope. Not even close..


right, I agree. I mean how much longer are we going to classify black metal super groups with a piano as avant garde?

I actually find some of that quite funny when some shit gets called 'new' even when a lot of it just like front242 or leatherstrip or something
but I think that it may just be new to the audience that its being marketed to
lile when fantomas came around, its not as new as you'd think if you'd heard naked city (they even did movie themes etc)
not to slag fantomas, they are a great band with a great slant on things, its just down to the %

the only reason I used the term regarding Scald was that there is simply no other band that I can think of that sounds even a bit similar.

I get kind of a Scald vibe with Wreck of the Hesperus, but that mostly in with the slower parts or ambient parts. Both sound doomy and creepy with those ambient sections. But that's about it.

wreck are one of the few bands I'd really stick my neck out for
great lads too
they've managed to achive thier sick vibe very quickly

You didn't turn Brit-pop did you? :yell::yuk::dopey::loco:

no don't be silly now, think more showtunes, hits from the musicals that sort of thing, its got a real seven brides for seven brothers vibe :tickled:

Yeah, I think I get it. I understand the part that you don't return to the riff later in the track. I just didn't know if you played more than one scale (this is the term used back in 7th grade, so I'm going with it) of eachof any riff.


aye thats about right
theres about 40+ riffs

This goes back to what JayK is always preaching about how people simply have the attention span of a 5-year-old these days and what the latest band of the month. ANd also, no one wants to put any effort into actually listening, instead just wanting something to be catchy.

generally people are trained ths way by 'most' media anyway
they create a revolving door of disposable fads to keep materials churning through, record labels (alongside movies , tv, etc) are generally adapted to this production line anyway
all the money goes into the least diverse least challenging material because its just a money making industry and the general populus having been conditioned into laziness will go for whatever they are mentally battered into buying by advertising and media hype

its enough to make you puke

occasionally something will slip through the mainstream retaining integrety, like maybe radiohead, but generally the banal are the easiest to replace in the fodder chain

Once Scald gets something out on Code666, I think more people will start to make note of the band.

it would be nice but neither party expects sales to be to good on this release
its our least commercial / most artistic thing
so you've got to admire emi's reasons for being involved in it
this is a big effort - little return project
and he didn't ask for a single compromise on the packaging or anything

but to the point its sad that a band / artist / whatever requires the involvement of a label as some sort of afermation of worthyness,
obviously we're chuffed to work with good people
but a lot of people in charge of labels are just tasteless dickheads out for quick cash on the latest fad
why should I even seek the approval of wankers like this?

I still think of us as D.I.Y. and I'm proud of that fact
i re-bought headworm for $.09 plus $3 shipping on amazon. i still like it. im not much into chaotic avant weirdness anymore, but there is definitely an idiosyncrasy about it that i like.
Fucking love this band. I hope they release more material someday.

Paul, if you ever wander back to RC, I love the book you released.