Scar Symmetry North American Headline Tour!

Just posted on Scar Symmetry's official Facebook page: NORTH AMERICANS can we have your attention please!

It is with deep regret that we bring you these news: due to unforeseen problems securing our US work visas in time, our North American headlining tour will have to be cancelled. The waiting time for a visa interview appointment was several weeks longer than what we've experienced before. Our sincere apologies to Threat Signal, Stealing Axion, Lord of War and Kings Field - you guys rule and we do hope for the opportunity to share a stage with you sometime in a not-to-distant future instead!

To our fans... we will work our asses off to make this up to you! Expect to see Scar Symmetry back in North America in 2013 - back with a vengeance!
Wow...what a completely random thread of one guy's excitement totally pissed upon by some, championed by few, then completely covered in shit by visa issues. A lot of opinions voiced in this thread, but somehow the whole leaves a bit of a bad taste...of dickishness...a bad taste, indeed!

Anyone remember when Heavy Metal used to be a community?

Rock on, brothers...if you can!
Wow...what a completely random thread of one guy's excitement totally pissed upon by some, championed by few, then completely covered in shit by visa issues. A lot of opinions voiced in this thread, but somehow the whole leaves a bit of a bad taste...of dickishness...a bad taste, indeed!

I'm sorry, your point was...?

Anyone remember when Heavy Metal used to be a community?

I do. It still is. A big community. A family, if you would. And as such, there's bound to be disagreements. Nobody is fighting over here, so.... ???

I don't necessarily agree with this, but I cannot back my opinion up with hard facts. From what I see, the majority that are turned away are those attempting to cross the border and either do not have the correct paperwork or have a criminal background that raises the red flag (and thus did not have the correct paperwork as that check is done in advance otherwise). I would argue that more people are turned away from Canada simply because there are more attempting to get in under the radar so to speak.

This part I can confirm: The actual visa application process for Canada is far easier (less paperwork, clearer path, cheaper, & less time) than the U.S. 9th circle of hell.
I don't necessarily agree with this, but I cannot back my opinion up with hard facts. From what I see, the majority that are turned away are those attempting to cross the border and either do not have the correct paperwork or have a criminal background that raises the red flag (and thus did not have the correct paperwork as that check is done in advance otherwise). I would argue that more people are turned away from Canada simply because there are more attempting to get in under the radar so to speak.

This part I can confirm: The actual visa application process for Canada is far easier (less paperwork, clearer path, cheaper, & less time) than the U.S. 9th circle of hell.

Yeah the application for Canada is cheaper and easier for sure than the US. It's basically a $45 form and I've heard of bands filling it and sending it out a week before the show and getting in OK. But, the border patrol in Canada is monstrous. I've heard of tons of bands getting turned away at the border though for really dumb reasons. Threat Signal (half of the band is Canadian and they do very well there) got turned away twice on the Death Angel tour because some of their headlining shows were at "nightclubs." Ridiculous. On the bigger scale of things, Morbid Angel got turned away at the Canadian border on their last tour as well.

I have no idea if SS hired an attorney or a company to sort their visas out for them or if they tried to do them themselves or if they asked their label to do it. Can't speak for what happened in their camp.
We had zero visa problems to get into Canada in the White Wizzard/Icarus Witch tour. As a matter of fact, I was pretty surprised to see how organized the border was in preparation for getting the bands in. It was pretty cool to see that the agents were already expecting the band at such and such day, at a specific border crossing checkpoint. However, I also have heard horror stories by bands trying to cross over. As Glenn pointed out, it basically comes down to previous criminal record and proper documentation.
From what I have heard and know, it really depends on the venues the bands are playing in Canada and where exactly in Canada they are entering. Some provinces have more lenient patrol officers than others, for example. A criminal record means you will never be able to enter Canada at all.

And either way, in Glenn's defense, and as I said earlier - the plus side is you're not tens of thousands of dollars in the red if you get turned away in Canada. In the US, you are.
Yeah, for sure. To clarify my point though, when I say "lenient" I don't mean willing to look over unfilled papers, but not turning a band away because they are playing a bar or something. But I do agree that there are lots of cases of bands just not doing their paperwork either.
From what I have heard and know, it really depends on the venues the bands are playing in Canada

That's correct. It basically comes down to the type of establishment. For instance, music venues/concert halls are okay for a band to perform in without a visa. Venues that are restaurants/bars and nightclubs, however, aren't. I may not be 100% accurate in this, but that was our case.

AeonicSlumber said:
Some provinces have more lenient patrol officers than others, for example.

That's also correct, but that's something the bands may want to know ahead of time. It's part of doing your own homework...

AeonicSlumber said:
A criminal record means you will never be able to enter Canada at all.

Not necessarily. It depends on how long it's been since you were booked, as well as the gravity of your stupidity ;) :lol:

AeonicSlumber said:
And either way, in Glenn's defense, and as I said earlier - the plus side is you're not tens of thousands of dollars in the red if you get turned away in Canada. In the US, you are.

They will still keep an american party at the boarder for hours and raid your vehicle with all the proper paperwork. They will also charge you tax on every single piece of merch you bring from america over the boarder. Don't bring 500 shirts and 1000 cds with you EVER! lol It's not easy nor fun in any aspect and they lie when they say you will get a tax refund on the merch you didn't sell.

I think any boarder crossing will just get harder over the years? Sometimes the venues in Canada are exempt from a work visa if they are big. At least it was in our case. Coming back into America was cake, they just said "welcome home" after we flashed the passports..
not brother got turned away because of a DUI from 8 years prior. I know a few others who couldnt get across for lesser stuff. Not even in bands, just in general.

I'm just referencing bands attempting to perform with our without the proper visa paperwork completed in advance. Nothing said has changed my stance.

I have no idea or any reason to doubt you regarding the other.
I'm just referencing bands attempting to perform with our without the proper visa paperwork completed in advance. Nothing said has changed my stance.

I have no idea or any reason to doubt you regarding the other.

cool. It is just funny that America Jr is so picky about who gets in there.

I know a few bands who will come in two different cars and come in as tourist. Works most of the time. It is just harder to pull off when you have 6 guys crammed in a van. Easy give away.
I'm sorry, your point was...?

I do. It still is. A big community. A family, if you would. And as such, there's bound to be disagreements. Nobody is fighting over here, so.... ???

My point original post...feel free to go back and re-read how one person's enthusiasm was shat upon...

I just call it the way I see it...