Scarpoint - "Mask of Sanity" released TODAY...!

if you want me to listen to it, give it to me for free :D
I actually skipped meat because it's to expensive for me atm and I love meat!!!
Seems like I am going to eat a steak and listen to Scarpoint when my paycheck
arrives :D
if you want me to listen to it, give it to me for free :D
I actually skipped meat because it's to expensive for me atm and I love meat!!!
Seems like I am going to eat a steak and listen to Scarpoint when my paycheck
arrives :D

Awesome, I'll probably going to upload some more amp videos where I play Scarpoint... as soon as they hand me the backing track files... waiting game...
Sounds awesome. Great Guitars dark and djenty :)

The drums sounds quite real to me, not that much triggers on? Cool approach either way :)

Thanks man!

The drums are a long story, especially since Erik had a heart surgery about six months before the recording, but he played it live and well. :kickass:
Awesome stuff dude! Bass sounds really tasty, any info on that Jocke?

I'ts mostly his Fender Jaguar that does it. Awesome bass! We used the AxeFX and took a DI for later reamping (we skipped reamping, because the sound was awesome), and in the AFX I used a Recto into an Ampeg 4x12 miked with a ribbon. Some eq, and heavy compression. We actually recorded the album about 18 months ago, so I can't recall all the details. ;)
Fender bass' seem to crop up in metal a hell of a lot, I believe they are one of the "safe bets" with recording, hopefully I end up recording somebody with a nice one in future :lol:

Sweet, so the top end grind is essentially a guitar amp into a bass cab with the AFX :kickass:
Fender bass' seem to crop up in metal a hell of a lot, I believe they are one of the "safe bets" with recording, hopefully I end up recording somebody with a nice one in future :lol:

Sweet, so the top end grind is essentially a guitar amp into a bass cab with the AFX :kickass:

My HelloandSO recording is also Fender Jaguar. Just an awesome bass to get a thick tone with.