Scenteria-Art of Aggression


Bill Ward's Red Pants
Oct 21, 2003
The Southland
Scenteria-Art of Aggression
Candlelight Records-CDL187-February 22, 2005
By Josh Phillips


Scenteria are a death/thrash hybrid from Sweden and Art of Aggression is their debut release. The band showcases no scarcity of thrashing madness, while concurrently grooving away Death Metal style and even mixing in some melody. This should appeal to fans of everything from Testament to Blood Red Throne to At the Gates at various points throughout the album. Plenty of fierce intensity morphing into grooving breakdowns to keep the extreme metalhead happy.

"Acts of Lunacy" starts the party with blasting drums that open the way for machine gun riffing and the vocal attack of Stefan Persson. Soon a soaring melodic riff shines through beneath the snarling vocals only to be quickly suppressed once again. This is a recurring theme that makes the song an enjoyable, worthy opener. "Circle of Fear" begins in much the same way as the last track and showcases more crunchy, pummeling riffs. With the constant, crashing drum rhythms, underlying melody lines and strong vocals, the band even constructs an epic vibe shining through the thrash that surrounds it. Like the other tracks, "Forever Lost" features plenty of riffs that will have you singing along "DUH DA DUH DUN DUH DA DUH DUN DUN" Beavis and Butthead style. "Infected War" is appropriately an intense piece reeking of battle havoc. The band slows it down throughout to bellow "Who can we blame?" and you might find yourself doing the same. An epic vibe permeates the atmosphere on "Addicted" as the band unleashes the best solo of the record towards the end of the song. "Dead Point of View" is similar to "Infected War" and is once again solid. "Reign of Hate" features melodic riffing to introduce the piece and sticks with it throughout, while also pounding out some infectious grooves. "The Abyss" closes the album and mixes various elements of the other songs already covered.

Scenteria have put together a very solid slab of death/thrash with Art of Aggression. The riffing is excellent, the vocals are solid and the consistent drum pounding unleashed by Daniel Landin is a highlight. We're not talking constant blastbeats, but pulsing rhythms that are absoleutly necessary to the music. 9 tracks that run 39 minutes in length, this is about the exact amount of music needed on a release of this type and Scenteria nailed it with good material that gives you a quick punch in the face, but leaves you sadistically wanting more. Recommended.


Official Scenteria Website
Official Candlelight USA Website
Thought it was OK, nothing earth-shattering.

Could there possibly be a more generic title for a thrash record than "Art of Aggression"?? :erk: Very boring skull pic on the cover, too.