Vicious Art-Fire Falls and the Waiting Water


Bill Ward's Red Pants
Oct 21, 2003
The Southland
Vicious Art - Fire Falls and the Waiting Waters
Candlelight Records-CDL137-March 8th, 2005
By Josh Phillips


Sweden’s Vicious Art are a band that will draw attention simply based on the members who make up the band. Containing two ex members of Dark Funeral and Jorgen Sandstrom of The Project Hate MCMXCIX, this one immediately gained my attention, namely because of Sandstrom. As Jorgen is primarily the bassist in this band, I was thinking I wouldn't get to hear much of his pummeling voice, but fortunately the growler extraordinare is here in tip top shape and he ravages this album on numerous occasions. The rest of the band consists of main vocalist Jocke Widfeldt and the two ex-Dark Funeral members, Matti Makela and Robert Lundin. Vicious Art’s music is extreme metal and mixes traits from death, black and thrash into one vile brew.

After a solid opening in “Debria Seems to Be Bleeding,” things start to pick up further with the advent of “Komodo Lights.” Let me just say that this is a pummeling, excellent piece of work and the first appearance of Mr. Sandstrom towards the end of the song piqued my interest in what the rest of the album had to offer. He also appears in the next song, “Fire Falls,” a very good track with a lot of groove. This band has great ability when it comes to shifting tempos. They can blast your face off, but also know when they’ve got a great riff on their hands and can purely grind it out. The next track, “A Whistler and his Gun” is a good example of this, though it keeps a fast pace throughout, there are occasional breakdowns, a chorus if you will, and it is rather catchy. The vocals of Jocke Widfeldt, while not what I would consider extremely strong overall, fit the music very well with a fiery, spitting delivery. I like the way this band mixes the two vocalists, letting Jocke handle the fast thrashy pieces where his higher-pitched tone excels, while Jorgen chimes in to destroy during the mid-paced breakdowns and as a background complement. This debut record remains consistent throughout and “War” with it’s more epic tone is another highlight that paves the way for monster closer “Why Would the Captured Set Free the Flies?”

Vicious Art has put together a solid release with Fire Falls and the Waiting Waters and it should appeal to any extreme metal fan. A lot of shifting tempos weaving in and out of fast-paced fury, a very strong double vocal attack, tight musicianship and a biting production that fits a release of this kind exceedingly well. With this album, 2005 continues to heat up and I can only hope such quality will remain consistent throughout the year, and with some of my favorite bands yet to release their new works, I can only imagine it will. This album comes recommended if you want something in your face and a record that will make you speed if you throw it on while driving down the highway.

Oh yeah, and while I’m at it and since it’s remotely related: GO BUY THE PROJECT HATE MCMXCIX’s HATE, DOMINATE, CONGREGATE, ELIMINATE! Also, check out God Among Insects, for more TPH related tunes, Lord K. Philipson of that band plays guitar in GAI. Some more premium metal, highly recommended.


Official Vicious Art Website
Official Candlelight USA Website
Not bad, but for some reason, it didn't move me all that much. Kind of by the numbers stuff. Of all the "classic" Swedish death releases out lately, I think Kaamos is by far the best.