who I would like to sing for bloodbath !!

Tumn said:
Paul Kuhr isn't good enough for Bloodbath!

Not good enough?:erk:... Yeah right!

Have you ever seen Paul live? His growls fucking shake the foundation of the venue. He doesn't even need a microphone!:heh:

Bloodbath + Paul Kuhr would pretty much be the ultimate death metal band. I really hope that it happens.:rock:
Yeah Dan, I have, but we don't need new blood in Bloodbath, especially those that cannot compare to the previous vocalists. My stance on that I don't think will ever change, I would LOVE to be proven wrong though.

As I said in previous posts, Peter needs to be brought back for a studio album, forget touring and just make albums, he's able to do it.
Tumn said:
Yeah Dan, I have, but we don't need new blood in Bloodbath, especially those that cannot compare to the previous vocalists. My stance on that I don't think will ever change, I would LOVE to be proven wrong though.

As I said in previous posts, Peter needs to be brought back for a studio album, forget touring and just make albums, he's able to do it.
yeah like it's ever been, still they make good sales i guess
cuntface said:
yeah i thought that but he has a slow death metal voice he may not fit bloodbath after all, but i belive he has been speaking to the bloodbath guys and paul k is up for it.

I talked to them a few times, but I wouldn't say I was up for the position by any means. I stressed to them I would love the opportunity to audition, and to me, a microhone and my laptop wouldn't cut it. I would have gone into a studio, and recorded a proper audition for them, sadly I wasn't able to get to that before the auditions were closed. It would have been an honor to even attempt this, knowing my own capabilities, I would do this proud, and maybe even change the minds of the ultimte fans, like Tumn, in the end. Just because the band I'm in is slower then Bloodbath, don't think for a minute that I'm incapable of speed.

Never say never, my door is always open to them, if they would still like that proper audition from me, I'll do it.

I'm as much a Bloodbath fan as the rest of you guys! I too want the best for this band! Cheers everyone!
I would love to hear a proper audition from you so that I could fully decide for myself who I think they should choose, not that what I think matters though.