My best non-guitar musical moment...

Apr 2, 2003
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Today, I had the best time with music ever (besides when I'm playing guitar).

So yeah, I'm a senior in high school, and I took concert band this year to give the old music reading a workout. And, just to get this out of the way, I play tuba. Yeah, fuck you too. :Spin:

They're doing some crap for my school's elitist-asshole-filled marching band next year, and we were going over it today, and it's this "Space and Beyond" compilation. One of the sections is "Mars" from Wagner's "The Planets." As a lot of you know, this is the heavy part right after the choirs in the beginning of TDWOT. Oh man, it was so fucking cool. Everyone's all, "It's in 5/4, how's this rhythm go? Waahh." And I demonstrate by fistbanging and going, "Dun! Dun! Dun! Duh-duh-duh-DUN! Dun! Dun! Duh-duh-duh-DUN!" And that foreboding brass harmony that Pinella does on the keys is so cool with real instruments, it was just sweet.

Okay, so I'm done. Had to get that off my chest. What's the greatest moment you guys ever had, musically speaking?

Sang The Silent Man in front of a judging panel hoping to get into the school's talent show.
Sweet! Musician / prog-metal-head seniors unite! I took music theory this year, and it's awesome... CLASS OF '04!
You lucky man, you. I took music theory at my school, but it was a history class... That was in 9th grade when I wasn't into classical music, so it sucked pretty bad. I had to learn theory on my own, but I think I understand it better now. What are you guys learning right now?

Today. Sang The Silent Man in front of a judging panel hoping to get into the school's talent show.
Awesome, good luck man. Silent Man's a great song. I take it you did good in front of the panel, then?

I might be getting into my school's show doing some SX. I burned "V" for my voice teacher, and the copy made it to a drummer at my school, and in band, he says, "I love the one that starts out like this, we should learn it," and bursts into "A Fool's Paradise." My jaw hit the floor, since that's probably my favorite SymX song and I know the guitar part to it... that would be awesome. All I need is a bass player and a singer.

Yesterday this violin guy from the local symphony came to my school (and he happens to be a faculty member at the college I'm going to next year) and played stuff and talked about the history of the violin. This guy was amazing - he'd toured most of the world, and he had chops from friggin' hell! It was cool, because he asked if anyone knew of Paganini, and as an Yngwie fan of course I did, so I got to look all ejumacated. He was ripping through Bach, Paganini, and Mendelsson like nobody's business.