Scepter – Fucking Metal Motherfuckers


Jul 15, 2001
The starry attic
Scepter – Fucking Metal Motherfuckers
Merciless Records – M.R.CD011 – 24th March 2003
By Russell Garwood

"Fucking Metal Motherfuckers"… Yes, in case you hadn’t guessed, Scepter are three individuals who espouse all qualities they consider both metallic and true. For example, randomly swearing, mocking those considered untrue and, to quote the press release, "drinking and driving, teen lust, bad whores, getting wasted, and violence against the weak and unwanted" is all good, while disliking the band means you suck. So, in other words, here we have an entertaining, tongue in cheek (I hope), Usurper style mix of all things metallic, from thrash and death through to classic heavy metal.

Guitars courtesy of Todd Czepek are crunchy, but not hugely heavy, and solos are in general competently performed, while bass duties – handled by John Karnes – are less prominent. John’s vocals rely on a rasp reminiscent of the very earliest metal growling Venom era, and the drums of Eric Czepek suit the music well. As you may imagine, originality isn’t forthcoming with "Fucking Metal Motherfuckers", and the music can become monotonous after a time. This said, fans of this kind of "true" metal will probably not find this a problem, and my only other complaint is the band’s lyrics. While I am in no doubt they are not meant to be taken seriously, I’m still not overly fond of songs which glamorise rape, sex with young teenagers and drink driving. Recommended for a select audience..