Sceptic - Unbeliever's Script

Dec 21, 2003
Sudbury, Canada
Sceptic - Unbeliever's Script
Candlelight Records - 2004
By Adam McAuley


Unbeliever's Script sees Sceptic take a decidedly melodic and sometimes proggy direction that makes you wonder if they should even be classified as death metal in any way at all. So, the question is, can they make this interesting style effective? The answer is a mixed bag.

The verses themselves are straightforwardly melodic and catchy, but never grasp your attention fully. This becomes readily apparent on repeated listens when they start to wear a bit thin and drag on. The performances are competent, but unspectacular, and may initially seem more promising than they really are. The drummer puts in numerous fills during the course of the album, giving an illusion of something compelling. Marcin Urbas delivers some of the more bland death vocals you'll probably come accross, but they aren't annoying or distracting.

Where the band really shines, however, is in the guitar department. Jacek Hiro manages to make the relatively straightforward melodies remain enjoyable enough throughout and the leads are beyond excellent. In fact, the extra-curricular elements of the band's music are the most interesting. Interludes and solos don't usually strike me as being very important, but in this case they elevate Unbeliever's Script to the status of a slightly above average release. The instrumental, “Voices from the Past”, is my favorite piece on the album, its proggy tendencies and arpeggiated sections make it a standout. Otherwise, the songs are pretty good, but not great.

Recommended to people looking for an album that mixes progression and melody. It's nothing spectacular, but Unbeliever's Script gets the job done.


Official Candlelight Records website
Official Sceptic Website
I felt it was heavier than the reviewer above let on. In some parts, it rages, but it is true to say this is not like a Vader or Behemoth.

Very well played tech-death, something different than "go for the throat". :Spin:
I didn't really intend for that to be a comparison. Unbeliever's Script is actually the only release I've heard from Sceptic and it's melodic and progressive, regardless of whether past albums were or not.
I can't see how any self respecting metallurgist can listen to this album and not be impressed, the guitarwork is phenomenal, especially on that first song, I dare any to pick out a better riff. I also think the vocals are much better than the ones on "Pathetic Being" as is the overall songwriting...