so there's a guy i know from back in connecticut who i played on little league and soccer teams and stuff with. and his father was a total fucking absolute definition of "asshole". like, the ONLY memory i have of this dad is him with a beet-red face, bristling moustache, furious eyes, screaming at the top of his lungs at an eight-year-old kid on his son's team who dropped a fly ball. his son was first in his class at the city's high school, and i don't think it was due to natural talent so much as total fear of his wrathful dad.
last night he got ARRESTED FOR SOLICITING A PROSTITUTE, and i'm sure that as the news has spread, the phrase "couldn't happen to a nicer guy" has been used sarcastically 100x as of this writing.
last night he got ARRESTED FOR SOLICITING A PROSTITUTE, and i'm sure that as the news has spread, the phrase "couldn't happen to a nicer guy" has been used sarcastically 100x as of this writing.