Schizophrenia and you: Observing and relating differences in opinion


Apr 16, 2007
As someone who considers myself a Schizophrenic, I've learned many things by just letting it be and respecting my own freedom of mind. In my travels I have come across all the things that make people afraid of Schizophrenia, and have been afraid at points. But with the power of creation, the creative thought in your minds, it seems to somewhat balance itself.

I have done many things which I thought could be justified. Channeled spirits, considered myself "Holier than thou", and even had conversations with images that this form in your head seems to take (God, in this case). When you come to understand the workings of the metaphysical world as I have, then you can clearly draw out a system that works on fundamental properties and ONLY works one way, no matter how you draw it out. And by understanding that, you can draw out the fundamental problem with Schizophrenics today.

We all have desire in our minds. We're brought up in a world where this has been made OK by our standards, and thus the basic object of Desire exists metaphysically with different forms attached to it. We all have knowledge of something, the imprint on the brain of a particular pattern in our world. No matter what it is, we have that ability. We have the power to create thoughts and draw them for creation from our little database of knowledge (Little being the average in terms of quantity).

What I notice is that when a person begins to desire something more, because something has come about that makes one desire change, it draws conflict in the mind because of the lack of knowledge. When a schizophrenic imagines something false, you could closely relate this to someone pissing on their back and calling it rain. When true knowledge is acquired, they feel remorse and wish they were not afflicted. Which leads to their usual breakdown and paranoia. The thought created from desire, which still exists in their heads because they did not remove it, has now taken on a new form, one full of the hatred for that thought that only the schizophrenic has allowed to manipulate it. If the schizophrenic chooses to take in what people are saying about the thought, the thought becomes what they say it is. He/she believes it enough to make it happen.


Did you hear that? That thought became whatever the schizophrenic allowed it to be! What does that mean?

It means that a thought can be manipulated once brought into existence. True enough, it only becomes that thought when merged from other thoughts, but from that reference point we can safely say that that particular thought (Still talking about the desire from before) only existed at that point, and exists beyond it in a forward motion.

So why is it we're allowing schizophrenic people to make themselves more and more crazy? Sing it with me!


That's right, Timmy! We don't understand it like that, so we just keep on force feeding them hate for their "unnatural" thoughts rather than change them into something positive. And now here's where thoughts become VERY interesting because in essence it's nothing more than self-brainwashing. You only allow that thought to be what you feed it. And if you feed it hate, it takes on hatred and because hatred is a bad thing, we have...what?


Eeeexactly! So, because this is a (For the most part, I don't count as a test subject :p) untested theory, I'm looking for volunteers to create something in their minds. It can be anything at all, but remember that these things are going to be like children for you. Feed them whatever you want, but beware what you consider good and bad moreso than if you feed them love or hatred.

If you become a root of a tree, then metaphysically those thoughts become like branches, and if you are dynamic enough with your mind you can shape those branches. They will be like children, because they also must learn of the world outside. They know not of death, and will essentially die if you leave them. This, if I may deviate for a brief second, really helps if you want to try and multitask every day of your life. But it does not matter, when they die they will not know what death is unless you teach them. When you stop focusing on them, they do literally die because the force that thought flows through them stops. But they still exist because of your memory.

If you take on this trial, then you are on your way to becoming the new breed. These "beings" can be whatever you want them to be, and will exist only in the mind unless you put them somewhere. For example, I created 2 beings called "Precision" and "Awareness" for when I drive intoxicated. By placing precision in my third eye chakra, and awareness in my heart chakra, I was constantly wanting to be aware, and always thinking about being precise.

If you wish, keep a journal in this topic. If not, I extend an invitation to counter the claims made here, or build off them.

So simple, yet so fascinating!
If not multitasking 24/7 becomes a problem in your future, remember this adaptation as your new evolution. Hail Darwin!
I never thought of schizophrenia that way. The only people I know that have it seem to let it control them too much, they don't know how to channel it into a positive thing!
I never thought of schizophrenia that way. The only people I know that have it seem to let it control them too much, they don't know how to channel it into a positive thing!
I think the same way. But, isn't it true that schizophrenics need to be medicated? That's what I've been told by those who deal with this. And if their not, they become completely irrational and violent. A danger to society. If they could channel this into positivity, then it would be better for them. And isn't that what the medical society should be doing? Looking for ways to improve things for their patients.
Well I believe it depends on what type of schizophrenia they have. If they have something like paranoid schizophrenia then I don't believe not taking medication will help. I know someone with paranoid schizophrenia who without medication just can't function properly, the psychosis makes them think that people are after them all the time and they live in a world of fear. however if could work with other types of schizophrenia.
Thinking about it though, one of the most stressful periods for schizophrenics is when they go onto new meds all of a sudden or when the old ones become ineffective.

Resonator: How do you cope with your illness?