Science And Technology Thread

AD Chaos

Aug 3, 2009
Share/discuss interesting news, articles or videos regarding science topics and technology (non music-related), websites, cool pics, etc.

Here's two interesting ones from this week, to get things going:

The latest Space X launches (to the ISS last week, and their reusable space rockets tests, the latest one from today):

And this other one, Boeing releasing their plans for commercial spaceliners:


Share if you find interesting stuff!
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I found this video quite exciting lately. You may skip the 1st 10 minutes I guess // I'm not interested in the levitation part of the video but the other electrical applications he talks about.
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Cloning v2.0 + Transplantology v2.0 = humans living in good health for 150-200 years.
Add to that some future tech that would allow the brain to perfectly regenerate itself part by part (nanobots maybe) and we can talk about immortality, but for that we will need way better ways for manipulating the basic building blocks that make our bodies and this universe.
I'd rather see cymatics with burning alcohols over a subwoofer, but this is still cool

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The computer I am typing on right now has ten times the RAM and CPU as my computer did 10 years ago, yet my computer today runs slower with more latency than my computer from 10 years ago.

You mean gtr sim or general audio latency? Sounds like it's probably an incompatible driver, a bottle neck from some outdated hardware or its driver. That or you need to clean the registry.

I'm saving up to get the new Haswell-E processor and a built around it. Specifically, the i7-5960X (8 cores/16 threads)
The hoping is the DDR4 RAM handles samples and large sequences much better than my current (7yr old) setup. They're supposed to be launched next Sept 14th:
lol no I didn't mean audio latency...just latency in general. For instance, if I click the start menu button, it takes a second or two for the start menu to load. On my old computer, it was nearly instantaneous. Also, web pages take longer to load etc.

I am just a bitter old man.
Perform a BIOS update on your motherboard, and use a registry cleaner program to speed up the computer. Here are some free ones *(heard good things about CCleaner; tried it once, iirc).
I use this one.
I've noticed my year-old PC is starting to run slower. My OS, DAW, and maybe a few other things are stored on the SSD which is only 128 GB, and I have a separate 500GB HDD.

I used to use CCleaner like once a week on my old computer. Someone told me it's a very bad idea to use such a program on a SSD. Is this true?
I dunno but I haven't run any sort of program like that or any antivirus software since windows 7 came out. When I first bought my 60 gb SSD back in 2011-ish I still had an old PC with a 2008 intel dual core, shitty graphics card, shitty motherboard and 4gb of ram. Navigating in the OS and opening programs felt almost as snappy as it is now with my new build, felt like butter, even after two years of use; and I have now a mega boss 2014 pc. Just be sure to leave some space in your SSD, I just have windows installed on it and it's super fast, I noticed when when you start filling it, it gets slower. It also depends of it's speed and what speed your motherboard can handle.
I used to use CCleaner like once a week on my old computer. Someone told me it's a very bad idea to use such a program on a SSD. Is this true?

AFAIK the thing that's not very advisable is to defragment an SSD, because the information is written differently than on a regular drive with spinning disks, where operations like cutting and pasting files end up fragmenting the information (writing bits here and there).
It would shorten the lifespan of the SSD a bit, and really doesn't do much besides that.

Cleaning the registry and temporary files though is not a problem
Anyone watched the Beijing ePrix over the weekend?
Fist ever official Formula-E race
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Was pretty cool but what a dramatic ending ! prost probably had an interesting conversation with his famous father, what a prick he almost killed his opponent !

Other than that, it was actually pretty cool !