Here’s where things get stranger: A black hole hoards images of the past. Light is composed of photons, and each one carries a bit of the image of whatever it hits. So when you see a tree the light hits the tree, bounces to your eye, and your brain eventually pulls it all together like a mosaic. Light stuck in a black hole’s gravitational pull can loop once, twice, or an infinite number of times, depending on its angle of approach, Lupsasca said. Those that finally escape in the direction of Earth carry a reflection of what the universe looked like when they entered the black hole’s pull. The longer light was held captive, the earlier in the past their image shows.
There is a really interesting science story here, but it's not the one you're being sold. The ANITA experiment is mind-boggling in its own right. It looks for "ghostly" particles that pass through most matter. It has definitely detected something unusual and unexpected. There are plenty of competing theories that aren't explored in the quick news hits, like the idea the Antarctic ice may itself be giving rise to these anomalous events.
The heat death of the universe is the end state of a universe that’s ruled by accelerated expansion forever. Every gravitationally bound system — galaxies, clusters of galaxies — gets more and more isolated from one another. And then each one ends up alone, and everything else gets carried farther and farther away such that they lose contact. So in the ultimate future, if we’re heading toward a heat death, our little group of galaxies, the Local Group, will be isolated. We won’t be able to see other galaxies at some point. We won’t even see evidence of the Big Bang, because we won’t see anything else that’s out there. And as that carries on, eventually star formation halts, because there’s no new material being brought in. The stars you have burn out. A lot of things fall into black holes, then the black holes evaporate. Particles decay. And if you leave that alone long enough, eventually you get a universe where the only thing that’s left is a few strange particles and some radiation.
The caterpillar of the Uraba lugens moth species – otherwise known as the gum-leaf skeletoniser – is known for hoarding its old heads.
The critter keeps the heads it has shed and stacks them on top of its head to create a tower.
By using nectar to tempt the tree shrews, researchers say this pitcher plant is basically "a toilet with a feeding station".