Science Proves It: Chrisitanity is a Social Cancer

veil the sky said:
honestly how do these people get to be journalists! i just don't know where to start in tearing the arsehole out of this news article.....

it reads like a bad middle-schoold philosophy essay.


You should read the average american newspaper.
really? they that bad!?

this is also in the times! that's supposed to be the upper crust of english media!!!

It's a bad article. But the sentiments make some sense.

that's no bloody good for a published article. that's like a journalist writing that there is global climate change because burning fossil fuels makes the sun curious about what we're doing, so it moves in for a closer look and makes the earth warmer.

the sentiment might be there, but the whole argument is rubbish. whilst the whole argument is rubbish, it does nothing to make me believe either way. i am absolutely no closer to believing that religion is bad for society having read that article.
sonofhendrix13 said:
All religion has been misused over time and has therefore caused some evils. However, ultimately it also serves as unwritten law to prevent other evils. Christianity itself does not condone murder, abortion, sexual promiscuity, etc. Therefore, I think an increased rate of such activities could not be blamed on it. While America may be more Christian than other nations, I sincerely doubt that has anything to do with syphilis or abortion.

History is littered with examples as to how religion is used (ostensibly, at that) to bend entire cultures to the will of a handful of people. That said, the worshipper should discern from what is a manifestationof hie/her faith and what is inordinate dogma. After all, Marx thinks of religion as the "opiate of the masses".
Just to throw this out there:

Has Money become the new religion? It sure seems like it. Everything in America is based on the acquisition and use of money. It has become a religion; as if one is not actively pursuing money, or making as much money as they can, they are made into a social pariah. Even churches seem to blatantly make the collection of monetary gifts their central focus (Not only collecting gifts, but reinforcing the so called value of the whole economic system instead of preaching against it, as Jesus would have done). I am just saying, money has become the new religion and value system, and Christianity has been reinterpreted to follow this economic religion.
I would not read the times, myself. BUT it is supposed to be a decent newspaper. That article would obviously be of interest to some of its readership. It SHOULD be more well balanced but to the thinking person it has brought up some stuff they can think about for we have done here. In that respect it's a good article.

You can't expect amazng articles all the time...just be glad a media source can even print a story related to Christianity being a social cancer, cause in some places they would never dare. In the end, i really don't see why it matters if the article is bad, aslong as it allows us to entertain some interesting avenues of thought.

On the money is religion thing...i'd have to agree.
the thing with SOME christians is that they think they can get away with their 'sins' by simply praying, going to church and have some old guy in a robe 'forgive' them.
for example, last week, this girl was telling me about how she had an awesome day on Saturday because she got drunk and laid, then i said: "i thought you were christian?" and she responded by saying "yea, but i went to church on sunday".
not that i have anything against getting drunk and laid, but if she believes in what she preaches, then she should practise it, dont you think?
This seems to be the center of criticism of all things christ-related. People go and bash on the religion itself and forget that it is the members that bring about the bad name. Christ himself was a pure person and as far as I have deduced from my own readings, can not be ciriticised for what he did (if he was in fact real). He is also a major part of the basis of christianity. I think instead of speaking ill of the religion, narrow the discussion some and talk about what actually IS a social cancer: hypocritical christians.
That is a good point really.
Most of the bible does actually have good lessons to be learnt in it, and as you say Jesus was (apparently) a good man.
The real problem with Christianity is that too many supposed christians have spoilt the image of the religion. Hypocritical yes in some cases, but also a lot of christians are very misguided, thinking that their religion is an excuse for anything they do.
This whole thread is predicated upon faulty logic/thinking. For one, Christianity is not in anyway concerned with Science but the spirit and ethics/morality; moreover, Christianity is about reforming sinful, materialistic, temporal society. Of course Christianity would be proven to be a social cancer--it was fucking founded to force men to rethink society, to be in fact a social cancer. The first century christians, for the most part stayed away from society as they thought it devilish and evil.
Final_Product said:
I would not read the times, myself. BUT it is supposed to be a decent newspaper. That article would obviously be of interest to some of its readership. It SHOULD be more well balanced but to the thinking person it has brought up some stuff they can think about for we have done here. In that respect it's a good article.

You can't expect amazng articles all the time...just be glad a media source can even print a story related to Christianity being a social cancer, cause in some places they would never dare. In the end, i really don't see why it matters if the article is bad, aslong as it allows us to entertain some interesting avenues of thought.

On the money is religion thing...i'd have to agree.

that is NOT the purpose of a good article. a good article will actually add some meaningful content to a debate. this doesn't, it merely makes a poor correlation on a topic people have been discussing for millenia.

and absolutely no such fundamentalist censorship exists with regard to religion in the UK, so this article has no crusade credentials either.
Schwerttau said:
No. Don't let yourself be challeneged by some mainline protestants who seem so peaceful. Even the most harmless religions will mutate into something dangerous. Especially Christianity, since the followers make a commitment to be degenerates.

You missed what I was saying. I wasn't bowing to "mainline protestants" but merely saying i find this whole notion a tad dubious, the more i think about it.
veil the sky said:
that is NOT the purpose of a good article. a good article will actually add some meaningful content to a debate. this doesn't, it merely makes a poor correlation on a topic people have been discussing for millenia.

and absolutely no such fundamentalist censorship exists with regard to religion in the UK, so this article has no crusade credentials either.

I agree, but i think you also missed my point. I was only stating i found the article to be stimulating and gave it praise for that.

And on your second point: see the new anti-hate legislation. It's already had some interesting developments with respect to Christianity.
speed said:
Just to throw this out there:

Has Money become the new religion?

Right on. First Religion told us they had all the answers to life's problems. Then science and medicine took over for a while. Then they sold out to the almighty dollar. At least religion, science and medicine could listen to what we have to say. Money listens to no-one or nothing.
Why is it that people care so much about other peoples belief in GOD??
And why is it that they try to censor their beliefs??
If someone wants to recite the pledge of allegiance and omit the words "Under GOD" for themselves that's fine....But why should they have them removed for everyone?? They're taking plaques of the 10 Commandments down that hung in Federal Courthouses for longer than most of us have lived...They've never been a problem before (It's not as if every time someone walks by them they jump off the wall at them asking if they believe them or something) Slowly but surely it seems like the world is trying to adopt a one way of thinking and if it starts with religion who knows where it will end..

Liberals are the social cancer of the world!!
speed said:
The first century christians, for the most part stayed away from society as they thought it devilish and evil.
Ah, yes... which explains the massive spread of Christianity throughout Europe in that time...
