Mandatory Face Punching

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Apr 17, 2005
Suppose our medical science proves that all stupidity, cancers and AIDS/H5N1 (airborne AIDS) can be eliminated with a daily punch to the face.

1. No one wants to be punched in the face.
2. It is in their, and society's, best interests that they are.
.: Mandatory face punching must occur against their wishes

In a democracy, this would never happen.

In a benevolent fascist state, it would.

In an authoritarian state, it would not likely happen -- the elite would simply punch themselves in the face and outlast everyone else.

In a Randian utopia -- well, see above.

What's the best system of government?

As a fan of eugenics, surely you'd be happy to see those too stupid to suffer a daily punch in the face die off, while those with the foresight to cop one live on?

If we could design a robot capable of reproducing and surviving better than ourselves, should we kill ourselves off and leave the place to the robots?
Let's not overgenerate threads. This could have gone in one of the threads that already exist.

I will actually merge it with the Benevolent Fascism one unless someone makes a good objection.

As I'm sure you have noticed, we have a forum policy. The mods and regulars are in agreement over its general principles and direction. In order to move towards this direction, a new emphasis on thoughtfulness, and a de-emphasis on sensationalism, is required. Your threads/posts continually display the latter. I'm sure you have also noticed that moderation is quite lenient. However, certain allowances become problematic when systematically abused (such as spaming nearly every thread on the board).

Since there is no point in having stated goals without enforcement, I shall now begin this process when presented with clear "violations". This thread and several others are now locked.

Additionally, your condescending and aggressive bombast is unnecessary and misplaced here. It bars engaged discourse, which is the purpose of this forum.
Whatever that was said in the original post on this thread can be incorporated in a post in one of the numerous threads on systems of government, including the Benevolent Fascism thread or the Democracy: Destined to Fail thread. There don't need to be a thousand threads asking the same question:

What's the best system of government?

or is a certain form of government (benevolent fascism) better than democracy?

edit from the beyond: this was written before i saw justin's post.
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