Radical new theory of Hitler's anti-Semitism


Apr 17, 2005
Hitler and Anti-Semitism

Historians give us a number of reasons for Hitler's anti-Semitism. Some suggest a pathological approach and try to find an incident that spurred a personal grudge; others take a psychological tack and argue it was cognitive dissonance on the part of a starving artist attempting to justify his poverty in contrast to the wealth of Jewish families around him. Still others blame the early Church, or his father's reputed anti-Semitic beliefs. No answer has been given which has stood up to all critiques.

It is important to understand Hitler's anti-Semitism both to separate man from legends, both positive and negative, and to reconcile our future goals with the knowledge of the past. In doing so, we are presented with an enigma in part because of the late arrival of this belief of Hitler's, which seems to post-date his service in the first world war and only emerge fully in his third decade of life. How do we reconcile the man who did so many good things - anti-cancer, rebuilding economies, environmentalism, stability and prosperity - with what most allege is an illogical and extreme hatred of Jews?

The answer stares us in the face when we look at Hitler in terms of his chosen not as much profession by worldview: that of an artist. The youthful Hitler grew up in a middle-class family where he witnessed the havoc that day jobs wrought upon normal lives. He saw the ugly face of tedium in the kind of form-filling, staid bureaucratic mentality that he later worked to eliminate in Germany (increasing efficiency dramatically). A devotee of Wagner, and one who appreciated both visual form and the pulp Westerns he devoured, Hitler was purely artistic in his use of symbols and characters.

Artists create works - paintings, novels, music - in order to convey an idea, often an emotional impression. To do this successfully requires using realistic surroundings to convey mental perceptions, such as a single moment of an old woman bent over a broom to illustrate the tedium and exhaustion of labor. It would not be successful to have in one's novel three hundred pages of description of sweeping, for in addition to being boring, it would lose sight of the original goal: to contrast the tedium of work to something else. Hitler, as an artist, was familiar with both the language of symbols and that of symbolic gestures or identifications with characters.

Much as in Shakespeare and Wagner Jewish characters symbolize tendencies or dilemmas more than individuals, to Hitler the "Jewish question" was not one of collected people but of the ideas and tendencies their culture and religion encouraged; as one schooled in history as well as empirical observation of his fellow human beings, Hitler knew that heritage more than education/indoctrination determined the future of an individual. For this reason he associated Judaism the philosophy with Judaism the religion with the tribe of Israel, or the genetic incarnation of Judaism.

What did Hitler see in Judaism? First, a philosophy that denied holiness and transcendence in favor of material success and comfort, which is in technical philosophical terms a "materialist" belief and is inherently anti-transcendental (he may have absorbed this from Schopenhauer, whose works he read in the slow hours of WWI). Materialist philosophies can be collectivist, but they are anti-idealistic, and therefore instead of moving with broad heroic strokes tend to assimilate societies by achieving a lowest common denominator, e.g. the modern "What's in it for me?" attitude. They break down heroic ideals; they break down composite cultures; like fast food restaurants, they reduce every aspect of life to its material function and no more. Hitler saw all materialist beliefs as destructive but more pressingly recognized that they were contrary to traditional German heroic-transcendent beliefs as seen equally in Wagner and Goethe.

From this materialism naturally comes an individualism, because if the goal is material comfort of the individual, the individual rapidly becomes only inward-looking and therefore denies any collectivism that does not immediately, tangibly benefit the original. To Hitler's mind, it was this belief that was the cornerstone of modernity. The ancient Greeks he so admired and the ancient Germans and every other traditional society on the planet worked by the opposite principle, the heroic-transcendent, a form of idealism where one did what was "right" according to a cosmic order and only secondarily thought of consequences to self, including mortality (the ultimate end of physical comfort!). Hitler saw modernity as the invading force of this materialistic individualism, and to find a symbol for it, pointed the finger at Judaism.

All of the things detested by Hitler -- Bolshevism, capitalism, modern art, promiscuity, deracinated cosmopolitanism, sodomy -- came from this "Jewish" prioritization of the individual over both collective and ideal. In Judaism, unlike Christianity and Buddhism, one does not esteem what is right but what is beneficial to the individual, without seeming to address the possibility that most conflicts arise from this contrast. To him, it seemed a license toward greed, selfishness, and the less capable people rising up en masse and overwhelming those wiser and smaller in number, as Hitler saw happen in both Russia (1917) and, abortively, in Germany (1918). Unlike most modern thinkers, Hitler saw Bolshevism as a peasant revolt designed to gain more benefit for individuals at the expense to social order as a whole.

This was coherent with his belief in eugenics: as anyone who has watched a crowd interact knows, we are not equal in intelligence or abilities or judgment skills or even character, with some being benevolent and yet willing to take on necessary warlike (sensu Nietzsche) tasks, even heroic ones to the point of self-sacrifice. From his readings of history, Hitler knew that every great civilization has risen under the dominion of these warlike benevolent nobles. Conversely, every society in decline has seen a replacement of that leadership caste with those who despite having similar abilities, have the outlook and philosophy of peasants -- take whatever you can and worry not about the future of the whole (as peasants are not accustomed to leadership positions). Hitler was a defender of the middle classes against both the ultra-rich and the impoverished audience of Bolshevism.

As can be seen from even this short document, this worldview is not a simple one that can be expressed in pithy sentences like "Don't Blame Me, I Voted For Kerry/Edwards." Even a political poster endorsing "transcendental heroism" does not succeed in a democracy. In order to seize power, a leader must construct a simple, linear, binary cosmology in which there is a Goal and things to Avoid. When Hitler began his struggle to come to power in Germany, Jews and Gypsies were the only demographically visible immigrant groups, and Judaism with its material individualistic philosophy was the most clearly identified opposition philosophy to that of National Socialism. Obviously, as a Nationalist movement, National Socialism also sought to remove all foreign influences; as a Socialist movement, National Socialism sought to break the power of nepotistic capitalist oligarchs, of which the Jewish population - represented highly in the media and arts and professions and infamous for its habit of promoting Jews over Gentiles - was the most visible group. During his reign, Hitler removed other oligarchs from power and did his best to eliminate what he saw as degenerate cultural influences, from neurotic modern art to plotless jazz, embarking on these crusades long before a single Jew was imprisioned.

Before he got to that state, however, Hitler had to translate his ideology into symbolic gestures, including the crusade against Jewry. We may look back over history and wonder what would have been had he been able to, as originally intended, export Europe's Jews to Madagascar or Israel (and a good many made it there). We know now that mass arrests of isolation in concentration camps happened only after this became a practical impossibility. From this historical record it seems clear that for Hitler, the acrimony toward Jews was a symbolic translation of an opposition to the materialist individualism of Judaism and the consequent damage it wrought on any upward-moving society.

Socrates tells us (through Plato) that all Democracies promote a kind of individualistic obsession which leads to selfishness, hence the dissolution of coherence in thought into millions of disconnected individual viewpoints, and thus bring about their own collapse and institute totalitarian leaders in their place. Hitler arose at a time when Germans were tired of the constant internal conflict of Democracy (much like the internal dialogue of a neurotic person) and its inconsistent and populist but unrealistic results. The German people made a statement, by electing Hitler, that they were exhausted of this destructive process, and of the destructiveness of philosophies related to those of Judaism. Jewry, through which was intended "Judaism," was merely the symbol.

After WWII, the world was able to witness future horrors which proved Hitler right in a philosophical sense: individualism led to overpopulation to a greedy and neurotic West that is rapidly collapsing on itself, leaving behind environmental devastation and miles of ugly shopping malls. Compared to Stalin, Hitler was both gentle and eminently sane; when Hitler used war or execution, it was a means to a positive end, where the only end Stalin saw was power. Compared to the postwar United States, Hitler was practically an isolationist, being content to secure Europe and call it a day, where the Americans have waged wars on every continent but Australia and the poles. Compared to global warming, Hitler's idea of a less selfish society - the transcendental heroic and thus holistic view as opposed to the materialist individualism espoused by Judaism and other philosophies - seems downright reasonable.

Perhaps, as General George S. Patton suggested, the Allies fought the wrong enemy, as forty-five years of nuclear terror after WWII indicates. Perhaps Hitler as a philosopher was more realistic than any of our thinkers today, and this is the real reason why he is so demonized. We learn things as time goes on. It is worthwhile to study Hitler's motivations not as an incentive toward anti-Semitism, but to understand Hitler's bias against Jewry as a philosophical and symbolic position instead of a literal one. As we prepare to rebuild our failing society today, we should take note of the fact that what Hitler derided through Jews was selfish individualistic belief systems, and there are more of those than Judaism. Future Nationalist organizations can learn from this and recognize the symptoms of this disease (selfishness) instead of its symbol (Judaism), and expand their platforms accordingly. In fact, since philosophies like those of Judaism are so widespread today, it makes sense to stop our excessive concern with our Semitic brethren - although, like all cultures, Judaism is only compatible with itself and is poison in other nations - and focus instead on where our people fall short and embrace philosophies like those of Judaism.


I'm skeptical but open-minded about this. I still think both obsessing about other cultures and tolerating them mixed among you are errors, and I'd like to avoid future Holocausty type events (then again, looks like the Israelites are busy gassing Arabs today!).
That's a brilliant article and makes a lot of sense. The historians' reasons for Hitler's anti-semitism are in no way as plausible as this explanation.

I would only take issue with the last statement. Although people like you and I easily manage to reject crowdist thinking, the majority of people are greatly influenced by the opinion makers. As these opinion makers are promoting the Jewish way of thinking (as manufactured for non-Jewish consumption) then they will lead the crowd to the particular world view that they espouse.

As long as their influence remains, the people will embrace their philosophies. You can't blame the crowd for being crowdist. They can't function without being told what to think. The undesirable influence must first be removed and then replaced by the healthy ideology. Hitler was right in this respect, regardless of the morality of his methods, which is another subject.
Well, this has certainly been the most interesting article I have read in a long time.

Though I do have some questions that I hope it is to be answered here:

Is Judaism like it is described in the article? You know, like a selfish/individualist religion?

What did Hitler do with Cancer? I mean, was Cancer even discovered at that time?

It is obvious that these people really support Hitler (duh...), but even though my view about him may have drastically changed, I do not think that, whatever he thought about Jews, it was NOT neccesary to do such a genocide.

I mean, sure, they say about Jews being individualist and all, but that is no reasonffor turning them into soaps!!!

I found this a tid bit offensive, since I'm Jewish in blood, yet not in religion. A lot of my grandfather's family was killed during WWII, so I do not favour totally this article.

What was most interesting to me was what they said about US culture, about the shopping malls instead of forests. So apparently the Nazi party is against US culture? Are they against BUsh? I have to totally agree with that, and though I hate to admit, I agree with a few ideologies that are posted on the article, such as that there should be no classes (which is obviously impossible as long as humans are still humans), and that there should be more forests instead of shopping malls.
To dispell any myths, positive or negative, about what Hitler/the NSDAP really wanted to achieve. It's here for historical purposes only, useful to not only anti-Hitler people but pro-Hitler people and all of us inbetween.

The Programme of the German Workers' Party is designed to be of limited duration. The leaders have no intention, once the aims announced in it have been achieved, of establishing fresh ones, merely in order to increase, artificially, the discontent of the masses and so ensure the continued existence of the Party.

1. We demand the union of all Germany in a Greater Germany on the basis of the right of national self-determination.

2. We demand equality of rights for the German people in its dealings with other nations, and the revocation of the peace treaties of Versailles and Saint-Germain.

3. We demand land and territory (colonies) to feed our people and to settle our surplus population.

4. Only members of the nation may be citizens of the State. Only those of German blood, whatever be their creed, may be members of the nation. Accordingly, no Jew may be a member of the nation.

5. Non-citizens may live in Germany only as guests and must be subject to laws for aliens.

6. The right to vote on the State's government and legislation shall be enjoyed by the citizens of the State alone. We demand therefore that all official appointments, of whatever kind, whether in the Reich, in the states or in the smaller localities, shall be held by none but citizens.

We oppose the corrupting parliamentary custom of filling posts merely in accordance with party considerations, and without reference to character or abilities.

7. We demand that the State shall make it its primary duty to provide a livelihood for its citizens. If it should prove impossible to feed the entire population, foreign nationals (non-citizens) must be deported from the Reich.

8. All non-German immigration must be prevented. We demand that all non-Germans who entered Germany after 2 August 1914 shall be required to leave the Reich forthwith.

9. All citizens shall have equal rights and duties.

10. It must be the first duty of every citizen to perform physical or mental work. The activities of the individual must not clash with the general interest, but must proceed within the framework of the community and be for the general good.

We demand therefore:

11. The abolition of incomes unearned by work.

The breaking of the slavery of interest

12. In view of the enormous sacrifices of life and property demanded of a nation by any war, personal enrichment from war must be regarded as a crime against the nation. We demand therefore the ruthless confiscation of all war profits.

13. We demand the nationalization of all businesses which have been formed into corporations (trusts).

14. We demand profit-sharing in large industrial enterprises.

15. We demand the extensive development of insurance for old age.

16. We demand the creation and maintenance of a healthy middle class, the immediate communalizing of big department stores, and their lease at a cheap rate to small traders, and that the utmost consideration shall be shown to all small traders in the placing of State and municiple orders.

17. We demand a land reform suitable to our national requirements, the passing of a law for the expropriation of land for communal purposes without compensation; the abolition of ground rent, and the prohibition of all speculation in land. *

18. We demand the ruthless prosecution of those whose activities are injurious to the common interest. Common criminals, usurers, profiteers, etc., must be punished with death, whatever their creed or race.

19. We demand that Roman Law, which serves a materialistic world order, be replaced by a German common law.

20. The State must consider a thorough reconstruction of our national system of education (with the aim of opening up to every able and hard-working German the possibility of higher education and of thus obtaining advancement). The curricula of all educational establishments must be brought into line with the requirements of practical life. The aim of the school must be to give the pupil, beginning with the first sign of intelligence, a grasp of the nation of the State (through the study of civic affairs). We demand the education of gifted children of poor parents, whatever their class or occupation, at the expense of the State.

21. The State must ensure that the nation's health standards are raised by protecting mothers and infants, by prohibiting child labor, by promoting physical strength through legislation providing for compulsory gymnastics and sports, and by the extensive support of clubs engaged in the physical training of youth.

22. We demand the abolition of the mercenary army and the foundation of a people's army.

23. We demand legal warfare on deliberate political mendacity and its dissemination in the press. To facilitate the creation of a German national press we demand:

(a) that all editors of, and contributors to newspapers appearing in the German language must be members of the nation;
(b) that no non-German newspapers may appear without the express permission of the State. They must not be printed in the German language;
(c) that non-Germans shall be prohibited by law from participating financially in or influencing German newspapers, and that the penalty for contravening such a law shall be the suppression of any such newspaper, and the immediate deportation of the non-Germans involved.

The publishing of papers which are not conducive to the national welfare must be forbidden. We demand the legal prosecution of all those tendencies in art and literature which corrupt our national life, and the suppression of cultural events which violate this demand.

24. We demand freedom for all religious denominations in the State, provided they do not threaten its existence not offend the moral feelings of the German race.

The Party, as such, stands for positive Christianity, but does not commit itself to any particular denomination. It combats the Jewish-materialistic spirit within and without us, and is convinced that our nation can achieve permanent health only from within on the basis of the principle: The common interest before self-interest.

25. To put the whole of this programme into effect, we demand the creation of a strong central state power for the Reich; the unconditional authority of the political central Parliament over the entire Reich and its organizations; and the formation of Corporations based on estate and occupation for the purpose of carrying out the general legislation passed by the Reich in the various German states.

The leaders of the Party promise to work ruthlessly -- if need be to sacrifice their very lives -- to translate this programme into action.

I actually do believe Hitler tried in the beginning for something along the lines of what this highly pro-hitler article speals of. You know, from the books ive read, he was essentially beyond reproach in terms of corruption and committment to ideals.

Yet, unfortunately, he kept too many goons around him, he was too much of a dreamer, and not to mention his economic and military policies were far from heroic.
Lil' Bloodred Ridin' Hood said:
It is obvious that these people really support Hitler (duh...), but even though my view about him may have drastically changed, I do not think that, whatever he thought about Jews, it was NOT neccesary to do such a genocide.

I mean, sure, they say about Jews being individualist and all, but that is no reasonffor turning them into soaps!!!

Infoterror put some excellent references on here.

Yes these people support Hitler, but absolutely do not support the jewish holocaust or anything like making people into soap (which has now been officially found to be untrue propaganda anyway).

It is a shame that the ideas of National Socialism have been so sullied by these atrocities being associated with it. As the political ideas are threatening to the present political establishment, it is inevitable that they would wish bad mental images to be conjured up whenever National Socialism is mentioned. But if one tries to be open-minded and dismiss this prejudice, it is easy to see that there are a lot of positive ideas there.

With time people are starting to see this.
"One of the most lurid Holocaust claims is the story that the Germans manufactured soap from the bodies of their victims. Although a similar charge during the First World War was exposed as a hoax almost immediately afterwards, it was nevertheless revived and widely believed during the Second.

More important, this accusation was "proved" at the main Nuremberg trial of 1945-1946, and has been authoritatively endorsed by numerous historians in the decades since. In recent years, though, as part of a broad retreat from the most obviously untenable aspects of the "orthodox" extermination story, Holocaust historians have grudgingly conceded that the human soap tale is a wartime propaganda lie. "


Similarly with the idea of the human lampshades - yuk!:erk:

I'm reminded of the false stories of the Iraqis throwing Kuwati babies in incubators out of hospital windows.

You can expect lies about the people you are supposed to go to war against. Truth is the first casualty of war after all.

If you look at that NSDAP programme that infoterror posted before, and substituted Israel for Germany and Jew for German and substituted Arab for Jew - you would have a policy that Zionists would surely be perfectly happy with for themselves.
It ironic in a futuristic kind of way that Hitler's opposition of Judaic culture can now in the 21st Century so easily be displaced with that of American.
At the time Hitler dissaproved of the Weimar Republic culture (which was identified as being a Jewish culture) but most people would have called it German at the time. American culture being similarly influenced, there is a great deal of the Weimar in all the western culture once again.
Norsemaiden said:
"One of the most lurid Holocaust claims is the story that the Germans manufactured soap from the bodies of their victims. Although a similar charge during the First World War was exposed as a hoax almost immediately afterwards, it was nevertheless revived and widely believed during the Second.

More important, this accusation was "proved" at the main Nuremberg trial of 1945-1946, and has been authoritatively endorsed by numerous historians in the decades since. In recent years, though, as part of a broad retreat from the most obviously untenable aspects of the "orthodox" extermination story, Holocaust historians have grudgingly conceded that the human soap tale is a wartime propaganda lie. "

They did probably try something like that. I've heard far worse stories than that though, like they would take a dead body, rip the legs and arms apart, and attempt to sew them onto a living person. :zombie:
Too bad about all those dead Jews, Poles, Russians, and everyone else killed as a direct result of his actions. Other than that he was a stand up guy.
RookParliament said:
Too bad about all those dead Jews, Poles, Russians, and everyone else killed as a direct result of his actions. Other than that he was a stand up guy.

So let's not "throw the baby out with the bathwater" and accept that National Socialism has many good points about it. It was the first western ecology movement. And continues to be the most logical political ideology to accompany caring for the environment and the planet. One of the founders of the Soil Association, Jorian Jenks was a leading member of Oswald Mosley's British Union of Fascists. He was the author of the party's agricultural and rural policy. Jenks was editor of the Soil Association's journal "Mother Earth".

"We recognize that separating humanity from nature, from the whole of life, leads to humankind’s own destruction and to the death of nations. Only through a re-integration of humanity into the whole of nature can our people be made stronger. That is the fundamental point of the biological tasks of our age. Humankind alone is no longer the focus of thought, but rather life as a whole . . . This striving toward connectedness with the totality of life, with nature itself, a nature into which we are born, this is the deepest meaning and the true essence of National Socialist thought." Ernst Lehmann, Biologischer Wille. Wege und Ziele biologischer Arbeit im neuen Reich, München, 1934
Pretty much every political ideology, and religions too like Christianity, Judaism and Islam, has had blood on its hands.

Communism was responsible for many millions more deaths than National Socialism, yet those who seek to detract from National Socialist ideology often are very keen on Communist ideology. This just goes to show that the real reason for bringing this up is to prevent the ideas from being considered on their own merit.
An interesting consideration as well is that wheras the Nazis were purporting to get rid of the inferior elements of society, the Communists targetted the opposite: the superior people.
infoterror said:
No answer has been given which has stood up to all critiques.
Not true. Very simple and logical answer is actually something that has been done many times. To make people willingly obey, you need to channel their anger, their negativity. In Hitlers case, he knew that most of the jewish families are not affected by financial crisis that much, that a lot of ownership is in their hands, and that there is a tradition of antisemitism in europe. So he channeled anger of germans towards jews, everyday neighbours of every german that is starving at that moment. At the same time he took their possesions, be it money, industry, homes etc. Also, if you want to make someone feel like ubermensch, you need to invent "lesser man" they can see... So Jews were also very convinient. You have to be "better" human being compared to something, if we are all of the same race it gets less efective. You need slaves to be a master.
I mean it is so fuckin boring anyway... All the same shit of looking for stuff that will somehow show one dictator and massmurderer in a different light by nazis thru some "innovative" theories.

It is important to understand Hitler's anti-Semitism both to separate man from legends, both positive and negative,
Man? Legends? Naive attempt of making historical data irrelevant before continuing with crazy shit theory? And this is so obvious "We think that he is a greatest thing since slices read, but we will preted we have objective view at everything" stuff.

and to reconcile our future goals with the knowledge of the past. In doing so, we are presented with an enigma in part because of the late arrival of this belief of Hitler's, which seems to post-date his service in the first world war and only emerge fully in his third decade of life. How do we reconcile the man who did so many good things - anti-cancer, rebuilding economies, environmentalism, stability and prosperity - with what most allege is an illogical and extreme hatred of Jews?
Alos false, prosperity? He made prosperity in very short terms. EVERYONE can take country that is in extreme chaos and make it function at low level in few years. What is hard is to make open society with open economics, that is very vulnerable. He just stopped inflation, gave everyone a slice of bread, big idea and inspiration to wrap everything around... It is just made by the book, and it was done numerous times in history. At long terms his policy was disastrous as history has shown. Also, it is false idea videly spread that third reich was highly efficient. Just check for some data about productivity before and during WWII and compare it to USA or England countries. Third reich vas very inefficient, industry was not doing very well, there was NEVER enough ammunition, never enough tanks and guns, never enough supplies, and only thing that actually was keeping german army so superior at times is military tradition and great commanders.

He saw the ugly face of tedium in the kind of form-filling, staid bureaucratic mentality that he later worked to eliminate in Germany (increasing efficiency dramatically).
Untrue, check data sheets and some history books

Much as in Shakespeare and Wagner Jewish characters symbolize tendencies or dilemmas more than individuals, to Hitler the "Jewish question" was not one of collected people but of the ideas and tendencies their culture and religion encouraged; as one schooled in history as well as empirical observation of his fellow human beings, Hitler knew that heritage more than education/indoctrination determined the future of an individual.
This is nonsense. Author first assumes something as true (that heritage determines the future of the individual which is prooven nonsense every time someone gets usa visa and starts to live in use separately from his heritage) and then assumes that hitler has same opinion, and then uses that as a proof.

For this reason he associated Judaism the philosophy with Judaism the religion with the tribe of Israel, or the genetic incarnation of Judaism.
wtf? He associated, because Judaism and Jews had no previous connection?

What did Hitler see in Judaism? First, a philosophy that denied holiness and transcendence in favor of material success and comfort, which is in technical philosophical terms a "materialist" belief and is inherently anti-transcendental (he may have absorbed this from Schopenhauer, whose works he read in the slow hours of WWI).
Now this is funny part, hitler as a transcedental guy... Maybe he was just helping all those people in camps to transcend to other plane, how nice.

From this materialism naturally comes an individualism, because if the goal is material comfort of the individual, the individual rapidly becomes only inward-looking and therefore denies any collectivism that does not immediately, tangibly benefit the original.
Not at all true. At numerous relligions and spiritual practices, it is described that growth of individuality ends in becoming one with the divine again. If this "individuality" logic would be true than best in human are all people that have no individuality at all that obey rules and are just afficients part of the machine. Again, then it comes to matter of Hitler himself that had made a strong cult of himself... I can't think of anything more indivisudal. Also if individuality was wrong it would not be so widespread. It is result of evolution in society. It is like saying that nature is wrong. Bees have organised themselves in hives because it is best possible solution for a society that has no individual potential. It is not possible to make anything from single bee. What makes human a HUMAN is his ability to be unique individual. Most important people in history, and people that have give us most thru art or science were highly individual and would never exist in hive alike society

To Hitler's mind, it was this belief that was the cornerstone of modernity. The ancient Greeks he so admired and the ancient Germans and every other traditional society on the planet worked by the opposite principle, the heroic-transcendent, a form of idealism where one did what was "right" according to a cosmic order and only secondarily thought of consequences to self, including mortality (the ultimate end of physical comfort!). Hitler saw modernity as the invading force of this materialistic individualism, and to find a symbol for it, pointed the finger at Judaism.
Says who? Author starts to write like he knows what was inside Hitlers head for sure.

All of the things detested by Hitler -- Bolshevism,
Do I really need to mention how similar was dictatorship in russia at that time with what was happening in Germany?

[/QUOTE]capitalism, modern art, promiscuity, deracinated cosmopolitanism, sodomy [/QUOTE]LOLOLOL! modern art = capitalism = sodomy.

-- came from this "Jewish" prioritization of the individual over both collective and ideal. In Judaism, unlike Christianity and Buddhism, one does not esteem what is right but what is beneficial to the individual, without seeming to address the possibility that most conflicts arise from this contrast.
Idiocy. Eastern relligions are all about personal developement. There is no similarity in any way between budhism and nazism.

To him, it seemed a license toward greed, selfishness, and the less capable people rising up en masse and overwhelming those wiser and smaller in number, as Hitler saw happen in both Russia (1917) and, abortively, in Germany (1918). Unlike most modern thinkers, Hitler saw Bolshevism as a peasant revolt designed to gain more benefit for individuals at the expense to social order as a whole.
Hitlers Germany was ALL ABOUT making masses and less capable people be in charge. If all are equal, and there is no individualism, mass is in charge, and mass has no face and no quality as there is always small number of people in population that are extraordinary.

This was coherent with his belief in eugenics: as anyone who has watched a crowd interact knows, we are not equal in intelligence or abilities or judgment skills or even character, with some being benevolent and yet willing to take on necessary warlike (sensu Nietzsche) tasks, even heroic ones to the point of self-sacrifice. From his readings of history, Hitler knew that every great civilization has risen under the dominion of these warlike benevolent nobles.
Every great civilization THAT HE LIKED.

National Socialism sought to break the power of nepotistic capitalist oligarchs, of which the Jewish population - represented highly in the media and arts and professions and infamous for its habit of promoting Jews over Gentiles - was the most visible group. During his reign, Hitler removed other oligarchs from power and did his best to eliminate what he saw as degenerate cultural influences, from neurotic modern art to plotless jazz, embarking on these crusades long before a single Jew was imprisioned.
LOL! Do I have to comment this? At least it comes to idea of channeling anger of the unsatisfied crowd against other race and those hat have financial power he needs for himself at the same time. And do not listen to Jazz, no...

Before he got to that state, however, Hitler had to translate his ideology into symbolic gestures, including the crusade against Jewry. We may look back over history and wonder what would have been had he been able to, as originally intended, export Europe's Jews to Madagascar or Israel (and a good many made it there). We know now that mass arrests of isolation in concentration camps happened only after this became a practical impossibility.
It is interesting , that sommeone can assume that taking all property from social group or ethnical group and sending them at other continent is something nice, and that it in turns almost justifies death camps... Poor guy, he had to do it because he could not send them all away. Now I get it.

From this historical record it seems clear that for Hitler, the acrimony toward Jews was a symbolic translation of an opposition to the materialist individualism of Judaism and the consequent damage it wrought on any upward-moving society.
How does it?

Socrates tells us (through Plato) that all Democracies promote a kind of individualistic obsession which leads to selfishness, hence the dissolution of coherence in thought into millions of disconnected individual viewpoints, and thus bring about their own collapse and institute totalitarian leaders in their place.
Individualism DOES NOT equals selfishness. All great individuals that are highly confident, and good in what they do are very unselfish people. All people that we know that are selfish and egoistical have narcisstic fragile weak ego and false or no individuality.

Hitler arose at a time when Germans were tired of the constant internal conflict of Democracy (much like the internal dialogue of a neurotic person) and its inconsistent and populist but unrealistic results.
Hitler arose at the time when germany collapsed because of many reasons, so people were eager to take anything to live a better life. Most important because of loss in WWI and allies forcing germany in very bad position financialy. Germany was in huge debts, there were hundreds of thousands soldiers that came back from war without work etc. He just used situation for his own cause.

The German people made a statement, by electing Hitler, that they were exhausted of this destructive process, and of the destructiveness of philosophies related to those of Judaism. Jewry, through which was intended "Judaism," was merely the symbol.
No they were statement that under certain conditions you can make people do anything if they are hungry enough and if you take barden of personal responsability from them. There were some interesting psychological experiments when it was proved that almost 50% of population is ready to commit murder if they are ordered to by higher authority and if they are safe from responsability at the same time.

After WWII, the world was able to witness future horrors which proved Hitler right in a philosophical sense: individualism led to overpopulation to a greedy and neurotic West that is rapidly collapsing on itself, leaving behind environmental devastation and miles of ugly shopping malls.
It is interesting that author of this article is living in this same west, that is collapsing. Why does not moving to Tanzania or Gabon or whatever, where he can be safe from all those modern horrors. Btw west is doing fine it is just that some people do not like some changes happening on social level.

Compared to Stalin, Hitler was both gentle and eminently sane; when Hitler used war or execution, it was a means to a positive end, where the only end Stalin saw was power.
:loco: And positive end was him in power...

Compared to the postwar United States, Hitler was practically an isolationist, being content to secure Europe and call it a day, where the Americans have waged wars on every continent but Australia and the poles. Compared to global warming, Hitler's idea of a less selfish society - the transcendental heroic and thus holistic view as opposed to the materialist individualism espoused by Judaism and other philosophies - seems downright reasonable.
You can always take irrelevant fragments out of context and use them to prove somethin. Hitler wass better than Stalin because he was vegetarian so he murdered no animals in process of feeding. For instance. Fact that at Hitlers time Germany had not enough industry to make global warming does not means that he was paying any attention to well being of the planet.

Perhaps, as General George S. Patton suggested, the Allies fought the wrong enemy, as forty-five years of nuclear terror after WWII indicates.
What nuclear terror? I missed that... Have you seen any nukes terrorizing you there at your home? It would be better to have world in which USA and Nazi germany have nukes? Now that would be nice.

Perhaps Hitler as a philosopher was more realistic than any of our thinkers today, and this is the real reason why he is so demonized.


I'm skeptical but open-minded about this. I still think both obsessing about other cultures and tolerating them mixed among you are errors, and I'd like to avoid future Holocausty type events (then again, looks like the Israelites are busy gassing Arabs today!).
If you were sceptical you would not post similar articles again and again, and browse thru nazi.org. You are not sceptical, but one of those armchair nazi's that think it is cool and that are wasting their time desparately looking to intelectuall philosophical background that was not there in the first place. Thing that Adolf guy was into ocultism or philosophy or whatever, does not means that he had anything to do with his rise to power that is easily explanaible just thru a bit of psychology and modest understanding how world works. I have more respect for someone that says that Hitlers power and all those well dressed guys in black are turning him on, or someone that just plainly is xenofobic and admits that than for this spineless masturbations in form of "intelectual" theories about Nazism.
Dushan S said:
Not true. Very simple and logical answer is actually something that has been done many times. To make people willingly obey, you need to channel their anger, their negativity. In Hitlers case, he knew that most of the jewish families are not affected by financial crisis that much, that a lot of ownership is in their hands, and that there is a tradition of antisemitism in europe. So he channeled anger of germans towards jews, everyday neighbours of every german that is starving at that moment. At the same time he took their possesions, be it money, industry, homes etc. Also, if you want to make someone feel like ubermensch, you need to invent "lesser man" they can see... So Jews were also very convinient. You have to be "better" human being compared to something, if we are all of the same race it gets less efective. You need slaves to be a master.

Your reasoning is illogical -- the reasons given in the article are more exclusive than the reasons you give unless overlap is predicated.
Your lack of knowledge in psychology, mass psychology, and how those masses are manipulated on daily basis all around the world is not my problem, sorry. An it is not only time in history same formula was used.