Anti-semitism in Heavy Metal

Teh Grimarse said:
if somebody was half black but their black parent was adopted by white people, do they get to be all white?
dee snider is jewish, but mostly he's just lame.

Being half-black isn't the same as being "half-jewish."

If you're half-black, you're born that way and stuck with it.

If you're parents are Jewish, that doesn't mean that you're Jewish.

Being Jewish is a lifestyle choice, just the same as being Buddhist, Muslim, Christian, Satanist, etc. If it wasn't, they wouldn't allow people to convert their religions in order to get married.
sumairetsu said:
Being Jewish is a lifestyle choice

following Judaism is a lifestyle choice. Jews are a race of people with distinct physical traits and a common ancestry. Just like an Arab who doesn't follow Islam is still an Arab, like an Indian who isn't Hindu is still Indian.
Thasis said:
As much as I hate Jews, I have a reason. Do you actualy have a reason or are you just hating jews for the simple reason of hating jews because it's the cool nazi-black-metal-poser thing to do?

And what's your reason for hating Jews? Did they gangbang your mother or something?