Lies and Perfidy
Gentleman of the Road
Goddamnit, Demiurge, now I want nonpareils.
The sad thing is, this was actually a pretty good idea for a thread before the idiots weighed in. Lemme try and scrape something together to add to the intelligent discussion that's survived. My opinion is that like most revolutionary ideas, metal started out as anti-establishment, both against current musical trends and expressing distate for many societal ones. Then it formed its own establishment, turned in upon itself, and split into factions concurrently rebelling against and supporting the codes its set down for itself.
Thrash has always been an anti-establishment genre in the sense of rebelling against political and religious structures, but at the same time the codes it defines for itself are particularly rigid. (Witness my signature. PH34R T3H GU1LL0T1N3!) That's my particular area of expertise there, if anyone else would like to weigh in on other genres...
Maybe we should discuss metal culture/society and what it reflects sometime. This board as a microcosm of it is pretty interesting.
Now for some tasty nonpareils.
The sad thing is, this was actually a pretty good idea for a thread before the idiots weighed in. Lemme try and scrape something together to add to the intelligent discussion that's survived. My opinion is that like most revolutionary ideas, metal started out as anti-establishment, both against current musical trends and expressing distate for many societal ones. Then it formed its own establishment, turned in upon itself, and split into factions concurrently rebelling against and supporting the codes its set down for itself.
Thrash has always been an anti-establishment genre in the sense of rebelling against political and religious structures, but at the same time the codes it defines for itself are particularly rigid. (Witness my signature. PH34R T3H GU1LL0T1N3!) That's my particular area of expertise there, if anyone else would like to weigh in on other genres...
Maybe we should discuss metal culture/society and what it reflects sometime. This board as a microcosm of it is pretty interesting.
Now for some tasty nonpareils.