difference between Metal and Pop Music

painkillermag said:
What make you to prefere metal instead of pop music?

What do you think does pop music provide that metal can not offer?

Is metal a part of pop music or some kind of an anti pop position?

1. I listen to plenty of both, and try to give each genre of music the time it deserves, avoiding every ignorant stereotype about it. Not the crap you hear on the radio today, but actually well-done pop music that was made in the past, or is made in our days, but thankfully unknown to the majority.

My favourite pop musicians are The Beatles, Peter Gabriel and Kate Bush.

2. Knowing that Heavy Metal is one of the most diverse genres of music, I guess nothing. I mean, come on, meeting electronic and folk elements in metal is not a big surprise, which speaks well about the diversity of the genre as a whole.

3. Metal _used to_ be an anti pop position, but with the 'help' of 90's Metallica and modern rock/nu-metal it isn't anymore.

On a brighter side, leaking some metal into the mainstream awards the metal musicians with more listeners and perhaps even followers.

I don't mind metal being a part of popular music, it does not bother me in any way.
your question is retarded.

If we're talking about "popular music", then metal IS popular music.

If we're talking about "pop music" then the difference is self-evident.

in the latter case it's because I got bored of pop.
Pop is so full of cliched crap I simply can't listen to it anymore. (Every genre has it's cliches, but pop is just a big, GIANT, one.)
Pop music tend to follow the same formulars which make it all sound the same. And pop singers usually all sing about the same boring subjects in every one of their songs but there are a few pop songs that I kinda dig (ones from a few years ago) so I'm not all anti-pop.
Melinda's Lover said:
1. I listen to plenty of both, and try to give each genre of music the time it deserves, avoiding every ignorant stereotype about it. Not the crap you hear on the radio today, but actually well-done pop music that was made in the past, or is made in our days, but thankfully unknown to the majority.

My favourite pop musicians are The Beatles, Peter Gabriel and Kate Bush.

2. Knowing that Heavy Metal is one of the most diverse genres of music, I guess nothing. I mean, come on, meeting electronic and folk elements in metal is not a big surprise, which speaks well about the diversity of the genre as a whole.

3. Metal _used to_ be an anti pop position, but with the 'help' of 90's Metallica and modern rock/nu-metal it isn't anymore.

On a brighter side, leaking some metal into the mainstream awards the metal musicians with more listeners and perhaps even followers.

I don't mind metal being a part of popular music, it does not bother me in any way.