Scientifically inaccurate movies

If movies were completely scientifically accurate, they'd probably be as interesting as a Physics 101 lecture.

Bull. Fucking. Shit. Anyone who thinks you need to lie to be interesting needs to be shot in the face. There are things a thousand times more interesting than a tough-looking thug getting blasted back ten feet by a shotgun blast if you actually care about knowing things.

Yeah, those movies are bad (Have a problem? Nuke the fuck out of it - it's the American way!), but I can't think of any movie I've seen lately that made me think "Wow, that sequence of explosions was PLAUSIBLE!" and since that's what they're all sold on I've just largely given up on films. This is what you get when you combine failed education with instant gratification and take out every redeeming quality ever.

Well, I'm all for realism in movies but truth is it could suck all the fun from a movie. Actually it depends what you mean by "plausible"... you have any examples of movies you thought were "scientifically accurate"?

The movies mentioned in the article were "stupid" scientifically I guess but I enjoyed most of them anyway.
Michael Bay is fucking wretched... but at the end, the historically inaccurate list is a little better, lol.
+1 with what abyss said. It's a's meant for entertainment only. Whenever I see any movie that has historic or scientific anything in it you can usually catch me wandering Wikipedia and the likes seeing what's really up with what was going on.

And as another little ruiner, I did some work on an Air Force pilot's Tundra a while back and boy did I have a lot of questions for him. I found out that anybody with a pulse can learn how to take off and fly an airplane in about 15 minutes, learning to land it is the hard part. A helicopter takes about 5 minutes to figure out, but taking off is the hard part about that. But the ruiner that I mentioned is when you watch any action flick where the bad guy is trying to escape on an airplane and the good guy is trying to catch the plane with a car...that couldn't happen. He said there is no way a car can catch up to a plane once it gets going down a runway. Two reasons being 1) planes, believe it, go pretty f'in fast, and 2) the turbulence coming out of the back of those engines would literally just blow the car over.***

I told him "you just ruined like 10 of my favorite action movies" and he just laughed.


*** Which is another reason why there is no way the airplane that the government said went over the highway at the Pentagon attack could've ever done that. The turbulence from being as close as it would have had to be would have blown several cars literally off of the highway.
So I take it your a mechanic when not tracking tech-death bands, Mike? :lol: That's a pretty cool gig if it pays the bills, and at least you get to work on gear (albeit of the internal combustion variety)
The way I see it, movies sort of set up their own context, or their own version of reality and I will try and get myself into that for as long as I watch a movie. What's important to me is that they stay consistent within that reality and don't introduce another impossibility every 5 minutes. If, within their reality, some kung fu guy can jump 90 feet and levitate and all that shit - no problem - Fucking bring it on, I've figured out what the movie is all about. But if you make it through 3/4ths of the movie operating within that reality and all of a sudden something happens that makes all of that shit pointless - fuck you.
It's the same thing that allows me to get into sci-fi or fantasy that has shit in it that never gets explained. (Like, how the fuck does the FTL drive work on Battlestar Galactica?.....I don't care).
Here's where problems arise. You've got a movie like "Terminator 2" that sets the context by asking you to believe that machines took over the Earth and that time travel is possible. Cool. I'll go with it - no need for explanation. But when they can't even take into consideration all the nonsensical, paradoxical faggotry that permeates from every frame of that piece of shit - fuck the whole movie. It becomes insulting. How can you ask me to believe all of this shit if you can't even be reasonable about it?

That being said, when a movie tries to pass most everything off as being "totally realistic" and just tries to squeeze in a real doozie here and there it annoys the shit out of me too. That would be most Hollywood action flicks that are set in "realistic" environments.

The other thing that pisses me off about movies is Nicholas Cage.
I want to gouge out his eyes with a fruit peeler.
You've got a movie like "Terminator 2" that sets the context by asking you to believe that machines took over the Earth and that time travel is possible. Cool. I'll go with it - no need for explanation. But when they can't even take into consideration all the nonsensical, paradoxical faggotry that permeates from every frame of that piece of shit - fuck the whole movie. It becomes insulting. How can you ask me to believe all of this shit if you can't even be reasonable about it?

WHOA - am I really reading something negative about T2? T2, one of the greatest action movies ever made? T2, the Austrian Oak's finest moment?


But in all seriousness, yes, the paradoxes of how the T1000 would even have a chance of killing young John if future John were able to reprogram Arnold (Cyberdyne Systems model T-101) to send back to defend young John are very trying, though IMO no more than any other time travel story. And as you say, the movie sets its own rules and sticks with them - basically, the way I look at time travel is the circumstances are borderline impossible, but the important thing is there's a liquid metal robot trying to kill a kid and his Mom, and the only thing between them is a 240 pound Austrian bodybuilder! Add in groundbreaking special FX and so many awesome, memorable moments (the motorcycle/dirtbike/big-rig chase, the liquid-nitrogen shot, and to me, the most pivotal, one that sends shivers down my spine every time: when Sarah is trying to escape from the mental hospital, and sees Arnold come out of the elevator - Arnold, the guy who was trying to kill her throughout the first movie - that look of absolute terror and despair as she collapses and tries to run away, it just captures it so perfectly. And ends with "Cahm with me if you want to live" :lol: )
Not to hijack but I wasn't doing any mechanical work on his Tundra. I paint headlights as a side business. I own a Tundra myself and didn't like the chrome inside the lights so I figured out how to get them apart and paint them. Apparently I'm not the only one who digs it, but I am one of very few that are brave enough to try it, lol. My friend at the dealer sends me his Tundra customers often and I paint theirs as well. And actually he's trying to set me up as an approved vendor with Toyota of N. America which means they could offer my service as a "dealer installed option" at which point he thinks he could send me 1-5 trucks a day as they sell an average of 70+ Tundras per month at his lot. At $200 in my pocket for each one that's some serious cash. Then, being an approved vendor means I could be hooked up with virtually any/all Toyota dealers in the US. It's all been very unexpected and crazy so far. Hopefully it all works out *crosses fingers*

Haha, holy crap dude, that's definitely a niche specialty, but if there are customers for it, then I'd say you deserve to make money from it, cuz coming up with a unique idea that people want and profiting from it, well, that's the American dream right there!
*** Which is another reason why there is no way the airplane that the government said went over the highway at the Pentagon attack could've ever done that. The turbulence from being as close as it would have had to be would have blown several cars literally off of the highway.

You almost have the right idea... But an engine would only be flipping cars if you had them at full thrust, which most likely wasn't the case. You'd only see that during a take off, and then again the majority of commercial aircraft don't take off with full thrust anyway.

Trust me, I have my ATP license :-)

But yes, a big jumbo jet with its engines at takeoff rpm would indeed be exerting some extreme forces, making those airplane chase scenes unreal.
Well, I'm all for realism in movies but truth is it could suck all the fun from a movie. Actually it depends what you mean by "plausible"... you have any examples of movies you thought were "scientifically accurate"?

The movies mentioned in the article were "stupid" scientifically I guess but I enjoyed most of them anyway.

That's the problem - I can't think of any scientifically accurate ones off the top of my head.

This has helped lead to, at least in the States, the population being a bunch of scientifically illiterate morons who actually think shooting someone in the chest with a shotgun causes them to fly back fifty feet into a wall. Problem.

Now, if you think being scientifically accurate is boring, I just have to ask you what the fuck you know about science. There's nothing boring about real science - the reason we have such awfully inaccurate movies is that people like Uwe Boll and Michael Bay are dumb cunts who know nothing and expect the rest of the world to be at their level. Being accurate doesn't mean being a freshman physics lecture - it just means not having IDIOTIC shit like 'curving a bullet'. The inaccuracies aren't even helpful - nine times out of ten they're just stupid ways of abusing more special effects and avoiding having a decent plot.

Seriously - would you really walk out of a movie with a great plot and good acting, but no glaring inaccuracies, and think "Wow, that film was well-thought-out, casted properly, orchestrated well, and written perfectly... but muthafuckas never ran on no ceilings, so I'm pissed!" Movies aren't fun just because they're stuffed to the brim with utter bullshit! The best movie ever fucking made was Dr. Strangelove, and if you disagree with me you're wrong... and not only was that a historically and scientifically plausible event, Stanley Kubrick even set a world record for scientifically accurate badassery by constructing the inside of the bomber based only on a few books - that bomber's layout was still classified, but he did such a good job of replicating it that one of the US intelligence agencies investigated him because they thought he had an inside source. That is fucking badassery, and did it ruin the movie? Fuck no.

It's one thing to stretch reality a bit with sci-fi, but when all you have as a result is more CGI bullshit trying to replace a real plot it's just wankery. And, again, if you don't understand how real science can be interesting, there's nothing I can say other than that you obviously have no idea how much total badassery is going on in the world of physics right now. There are no two ways about it, man cannot make up cooler shit than he is finding hidden in the universe as we speak.

fuck action and sci fi. you wanna see inaccurate movies? Check the horror section.

zombies FTW