Scientifically inaccurate movies

Haha, The Running Man - I like it, but I like Commando a lot more (speaking of Arnold movies from that era). I still need to see "Red Heat," if nothing else to hear him try to do a Russian accent :lol: Me and my roommate last semester went on an absolute Arnold binge, we watched (some for the first time, others for nostalgia's sake):

Pumping Iron
Both Conans
All 3 Terminators (I had only seen the 3rd once, in theaters when it came out, and now that I've seen it again, I should be set for the next, oh, 10 years :yuk: )
The Running Man
Total Recall
Kindergarten Cop
Last Action Hero
True Lies
Jingle all the Way
End of Days
The 6th Day
Collateral Damage

Not to mention all of the MadTV skits with Will Sasso ("LAAHHL!!" and "SCREW YOU MAHRIA!" were often echoing around our dorm room :lol: )
:notworthyThat is one hell of a list I must say.
Commando is one of my favorite Arnold flicks, but nothing beats the scene in Pumping Iron where he is at Ferrigno's party smoking a joint and eating cake hahah.

The Oak never gets old.
Oh dude, Pumping Iron has so many great moments - I think my personal favorite is "Franco is good, but he's just a child - and when it comes to the competition, I am his father!" :lol: I love how much he hammed up his ego for the role, you should watch the behind the scenes on the anniversary DVD, it has tons of outtakes with even more ridiculous stuff (and an interview with Arnold in '03 talking about the movie, which is hysterical in its own right, because of his ever-present self-depricating sense of humor :D)
thing is, this remake... looks like shit. [Death Race, that is (they've nixed the "2000")]

I loved Jason Statham in Lock Stock and Snatch... but ever since, he's been sooooorely misused as this ridiculous action hero, when the guy's actually got some acting chops. I think this movie will bury him in a way that even Cranked could not.
2001 is about the only science fiction movie that at least got the "no sound in space" thing right.

Ya hollywood and sound effects are usualy a bad mix go punch your friend in the face record it and see if it sounds like someone hitting the side of a leather couch with the flat end of a length of skirting board
I just want to clarify about T2.

I thought it stomped ass in 1991 when I was like 15. When I watch it now, I'm too frustrated with how implausible it is, even operating within its own imagined reality, to be able to enjoy any of the good stuff.

T3 was even worse. For instance, how the fuck does she make the steering wheel turn on the cars that she is remotely piloting?
Ya hollywood and sound effects are usualy a bad mix go punch your friend in the face record it and see if it sounds like someone hitting the side of a leather couch with the flat end of a length of skirting board

That's the thing that REALLY pisses me off about movies.
I've never hit anyone in my life and have it sound like a head of cabbage being smacked by a baseball bat in a reverberating room...:goggly:
Haha, The Running Man - I like it, but I like Commando a lot more (speaking of Arnold movies from that era). I still need to see "Red Heat," if nothing else to hear him try to do a Russian accent :lol: Me and my roommate last semester went on an absolute Arnold binge, we watched (some for the first time, others for nostalgia's sake):

Pumping Iron
Both Conans
All 3 Terminators (I had only seen the 3rd once, in theaters when it came out, and now that I've seen it again, I should be set for the next, oh, 10 years :yuk: )
The Running Man
Total Recall
Kindergarten Cop
Last Action Hero
True Lies
Jingle all the Way
End of Days
The 6th Day
Collateral Damage

Not to mention all of the MadTV skits with Will Sasso ("LAAHHL!!" and "SCREW YOU MAHRIA!" were often echoing around our dorm room :lol: )

What about "Raw Deal"?

"You should not drink and bake" :rock: