Scientifically inaccurate movies

Seriously - would you really walk out of a movie with a great plot and good acting, but no glaring inaccuracies, and think "Wow, that film was well-thought-out, casted properly, orchestrated well, and written perfectly... but muthafuckas never ran on no ceilings, so I'm pissed!"

:lol::lol: I wouldn't, but I'm sure there are some people that would :Puke:

And what movie is "curving the bullet" from, praytell? And I actually just watched "Mission to Mars" last night, which, despite some really cheesy moments and the fact that it was very...ahem...inspired by 2001, Apollo 13, etc., I still really enjoyed, and would nominate for the "seems pretty scientifically accurate to my feeble mind" award
Yeah I love how people fly back from being shot, and meanwhile somehow the person doing the shooting completely avoids the laws of physics and doesn't fly back himself. :lol:

Every action has an equal and opposite reaction...

For such a popular quote, a lot of directors don't seem to know it.

That's the problem - I can't think of any scientifically accurate ones off the top of my head.

This has helped lead to, at least in the States, the population being a bunch of scientifically illiterate morons who actually think shooting someone in the chest with a shotgun causes them to fly back fifty feet into a wall. Problem.

Now, if you think being scientifically accurate is boring, I just have to ask you what the fuck you know about science. There's nothing boring about real science - the reason we have such awfully inaccurate movies is that people like Uwe Boll and Michael Bay are dumb cunts who know nothing and expect the rest of the world to be at their level. Being accurate doesn't mean being a freshman physics lecture - it just means not having IDIOTIC shit like 'curving a bullet'. The inaccuracies aren't even helpful - nine times out of ten they're just stupid ways of abusing more special effects and avoiding having a decent plot.

Seriously - would you really walk out of a movie with a great plot and good acting, but no glaring inaccuracies, and think "Wow, that film was well-thought-out, casted properly, orchestrated well, and written perfectly... but muthafuckas never ran on no ceilings, so I'm pissed!" Movies aren't fun just because they're stuffed to the brim with utter bullshit! The best movie ever fucking made was Dr. Strangelove, and if you disagree with me you're wrong... and not only was that a historically and scientifically plausible event, Stanley Kubrick even set a world record for scientifically accurate badassery by constructing the inside of the bomber based only on a few books - that bomber's layout was still classified, but he did such a good job of replicating it that one of the US intelligence agencies investigated him because they thought he had an inside source. That is fucking badassery, and did it ruin the movie? Fuck no.

It's one thing to stretch reality a bit with sci-fi, but when all you have as a result is more CGI bullshit trying to replace a real plot it's just wankery. And, again, if you don't understand how real science can be interesting, there's nothing I can say other than that you obviously have no idea how much total badassery is going on in the world of physics right now. There are no two ways about it, man cannot make up cooler shit than he is finding hidden in the universe as we speak.


Seems like you've been traumatized by uwe boll's and michael bay's movies and I don't blame you for hating this kind of movies :p. You can't blame the movie if there are people stupid enough to believe things like that can actually happen.
Seriously though... there are pretty good movies that aren't "scientifically accurate". One recent example is "the dark knight". If you can't enjoy that movie because of the inaccuracies that it may have then I suggest to stop going to the movies or watching DVD's altogether.... Or you could only watch dramas or comedies where science is not (usually) involved.

I will agree with you that there are movies that pretend to be accurate and should be accurate but they are not.
I'm actually going to see the Dark Knight with the girlfriend tonight or tomorrow. Batman has always been my favorite superhero because he didn't rely on supernatural bullshit - he just had badass toys and did whatever the fuck he wanted - but I haven't liked movies much recently and I'm not sure what I'll think of this one. The biggest problem I have is with movies that pretend to be at least somewhat real and fail miserably.

gas usually doesn't explode from a lit cigarette <<< All i want say is: If you believe that, try at home with a big smille in tha face. HAHAHA
What happens is that gasoline fumes ignite - shit doesn't explode, as gasoline just burns when it's left out, but the fumes catch on fire.

Actually knowing science FTW!

*** Which is another reason why there is no way the airplane that the government said went over the highway at the Pentagon attack could've ever done that. The turbulence from being as close as it would have had to be would have blown several cars literally off of the highway.

FWIW, i've also seen claims that jumbo jets would fall apart if travelling anywhere near the speed the gov't claims they were when hitting both the WTC and pentagon...there's even a video out there where some guy calls up boeing and asks if it would be possible to fly a 757 at 570mph at an altitude of 700 ft, and they just laugh at him and tell him no way.

anyways, i'm with the JBroll on this one...i can't stand when movies completely deny the science involved with shit. i can see stretching plausibility a bit for entertainment value, but some shit is just way too over the top.

$5 says jeff was pissed when batman jumped 3-4 stories down in that parking lot, and landed square on his feet on that car without breaking his legs, only for batman to drop that mobster FROM ROUGHLY THE SAME HEIGHT AND SHATTER BOTH OF HIS LEGS about a 1/2 hr. later. on top of that, the mob guy manages to not even so much as wince in pain after both of his femurs are probably jabbing into his liver...

i also had to :rolleyes: when batman was beating the joker's ass in the interrogation room without a single drop of blood being shed...there's no way you're going to repeatedly punch someone in the face and slam their head into walls and windows without their face getting rrrrrrrrrrreally fucked up. i can understand the joker acting all masochistic about the pain, but c'mon - at least show the effects of the severe ass beating he's taking.
gas usually doesn't explode from a lit cigarette <<< All i want say is: If you believe that, try at home with a big smille in tha face. HAHAHA

yea...gas burns, fumes explode. if liquid gasoline blew up, we wouldn't be able to burn it in the engines of millions of cars.

and i just remembered another movie that bugged the FUCK out of me - the fuckin' transporter...maybe it was transporter 2, i dunno, but whichever one it is where the guys are firing of statham's castle-looking house with machine guns and RPG's...who in the FUCK had the idea of having a bazooka that not only curves around the side of the tower after being fired, but then flies in the window and twists and turns through the house until it's in the kitchen before exploding? that shit was just beyond stupid.
I thought Wanted was pretty rockin... curving bullets and all.

I haven't seen Wanted yet but I've seen the trailer and my reaction to the "curving bullets" was to laugh... but I think it's obvious this was the intention of the creators of the movie anyway. So I don't see the point for someone to get pissed off on this.
WHOA - am I really reading something negative about T2? T2, one of the greatest action movies ever made? T2, the Austrian Oak's finest moment?


Yes the guy is wrong, T2 is really the best action movie ever.
Yes there's a tons of contradiction but who cares anyway ;)
Better see time travels stuf than people dodging bullets like in the Matrix (anyway I love that movie) or RemoWilliams: The Adventure Begins lol
Well Mr. Batman uses his cloak as a parachute (it happens a lot in all the movies), but that is really impossible for the way it's made his cloak lol
Besides that, batman is badass ;)

Hey, it works for these guys!

and i just remembered another movie that bugged the FUCK out of me - the fuckin' transporter...maybe it was transporter 2, i dunno, but whichever one it is where the guys are firing of statham's castle-looking house with machine guns and RPG's...who in the FUCK had the idea of having a bazooka that not only curves around the side of the tower after being fired, but then flies in the window and twists and turns through the house until it's in the kitchen before exploding? that shit was just beyond stupid.

Hahahaha, yeah, that was Transporter 1, which sucked a humongous amount of ass - Transporter 2, on the other hand, I thought was pretty awesome