Scott Ian on Jeopardy!!!


Imported Killer
I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw this. You know on Jeopardy how they sometimes have a celebrity read the answer rather than Alex Trebeck (sp?) reading it? (I'm sure all of you watch the show religiously.) Well Scott read one, and the question of course was "what is Anthrax?" I called ThraxDude on the Anthrax red phone, so hopefully he was able to record it and can provide a transcript. He lives two time zones behind me.
And what was his answer? Hopefully it was that Anthrax is the "heaviest fuckin band in the world" fronted by singer supremo Joey Belladonna
This is my first post. Hi everyone.

I used to be a Law and Order fanatic. I could swear that I saw Frank on one episode in the first five minutes of the show. If it wasn't him, it was his twin.

eighteeschick said:
This is my first post. Hi everyone.

I used to be a Law and Order fanatic. I could swear that I saw Frank on one episode in the first five minutes of the show. If it wasn't him, it was his twin.

Michele you are correct it was Frank I saw it a few months back on L&O.

Welcome but you forgot the beer :grin:
jdelpi said:
I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw this. You know on Jeopardy how they sometimes have a celebrity read the answer rather than Alex Trebeck (sp?) reading it? (I'm sure all of you watch the show religiously.) Well Scott read one, and the question of course was "what is Anthrax?" I called ThraxDude on the Anthrax red phone, so hopefully he was able to record it and can provide a transcript. He lives two time zones behind me.
jdelpi - I just turned on Jeopardy in So Cal but missed it - Alex is going into Finaly Jep after the break.
I kept flipping through channels, no Jeopardy. Sorry dude.

I did see Wheel Of Fortune, though.:rock:
Anthrax is a killer thrash metal with a weak singer now!!!!!!
Turns out (according to TV Guide) that Jeopardy was on in Colorado 2 hours before (not after) Justin called me on the Anthrax Hot Line.