Scott Ian on That Metal Show rant


Aug 22, 2004
Elm Grove, WI
Scott Ian has been, by far, my favorite figure in music since 1993. I've always looked at him as a very animated, very intelligent, and very talented individual. But more importantly: he had his feet firmly planted on the ground.

After watching he and his wife, Pearl on (the God-awful) That Metal Show, it solidified my opinion that he really, more so now than ever, is enjoying his celebrity status. He was in his usual head-to-toe Ultimate Bet gear and filming Pearl with his Zoom Q3 as she walked onto the set. Pearl's new album. Zoom. Ultimate Bet. It's like Jay-Z flashing his Armadale vodka in his music videos.

If anyone follows him on Twitter, you may have noticed, "Ultimate Bet. Ultimate Bet. Name-dropping. Poker. More name-dropping. 200K Ultimate Bet." Lots of name-dropping. Yet, I still check to see what he's up to because after 17 years of idolizing someone, it's hard to let that go. I even do that with Igor Cavalera, who I've idolized for years, even though he's become the Tommy Lee of Brazil.

Maybe idolized is not the best word. I feel bad saying all of this because he and Anthrax have brought me so much joy throughout the years. But, you know how it goes.

I sort of understand where you're coming from. I just try not to look at the twitter comments, etc. It's hard though because I want to hear new news about Anthrax.

It was a lot easier back in the day. You either read shit in a magazine or heard something from a friend who heard it on the radio or some shit. Hell, I sometimes miss the days finding out that Anthrax was going to be playing your city, or that a new album hit stores the other day, etc., just by word of mouth.

Sometimes technology sucks. Too much info and most of it worthless.
Headkick summed it up in a nutshell.

I too loathe instant technology sometimes.
Makes you wonder if he's more into the tech than he is the music these days? Either way, he's human like the rest of us. I don't care what he does. I still admire the entire band and love their music after all these years.
Scott Ian has been, by far, my favorite figure in music since 1993. I've always looked at him as a very animated, very intelligent, and very talented individual. But more importantly: he had his feet firmly planted on the ground.

After watching he and his wife, Pearl on (the God-awful) That Metal Show, it solidified my opinion that he really, more so now than ever, is enjoying his celebrity status. He was in his usual head-to-toe Ultimate Bet gear and filming Pearl with his Zoom Q3 as she walked onto the set. Pearl's new album. Zoom. Ultimate Bet. It's like Jay-Z flashing his Armadale vodka in his music videos.

If anyone follows him on Twitter, you may have noticed, "Ultimate Bet. Ultimate Bet. Name-dropping. Poker. More name-dropping. 200K Ultimate Bet." Lots of name-dropping. Yet, I still check to see what he's up to because after 17 years of idolizing someone, it's hard to let that go. I even do that with Igor Cavalera, who I've idolized for years, even though he's become the Tommy Lee of Brazil.

Maybe idolized is not the best word. I feel bad saying all of this because he and Anthrax have brought me so much joy throughout the years. But, you know how it goes.


Scott is definitely more into Pearl/Online Poker/The Damned Things than he is into Anthrax nowadays. After Bush gave them the "heave-ho" I can't say I blame him.

After all, if the singer YOU WANT, does NOT want to be a part of your band, I guess, you have to do other things. I am sure he will milk the Joey "Big 4" thing for a while, but I doubt if he wants his music to be sung by him, and I think if--IF---the new album comes out, it will be there last.

Just an opinion folks. It's all fun, from here.:kickass:
their newest plans are to release the album next year then we get to hear an album with songs that are already 4 years old, they performed "Vampyres", "Revolution Screams" & "Fight 'Em 'Til You Can't No More" in may 2008!!! so if it ever comes out the "new" Thrax album isn't really "new" but it's a big difference if the newest songs a band performs are only 4 years old instead of 17:lol:. can we say has-beens?
just saw a post on blabbermouth and he goes who gives a fuck about covers...pretty silly comment when your band plays so many of them...,scott is a tosspot
their newest plans are to release the album next year then we get to hear an album with songs that are already 4 years old, they performed "Vampyres", "Revolution Screams" & "Fight 'Em 'Til You Can't No More" in may 2008!!! so if it ever comes out the "new" Thrax album isn't really "new" but it's a big difference if the newest songs a band performs are only 4 years old instead of 17:lol:. can we say has-beens?

Or can we say Chinese Democracy...

...which reminds me of my personal Dickhead Of The 2010 contest, proudly won by Mr. Axl Rose and how he and his cover band wiped his ass with Czech fans once again. I was lucky not to attend the show!
Its like the perfect pair, Ultimate Bet and Scott Ian, as he is so good at keeping a 'poker face' when asked about the future of his band these days!
Or can we say Chinese Democracy...

...which reminds me of my personal Dickhead Of The 2010 contest, proudly won by Mr. Axl Rose and how he and his cover band wiped his ass with Czech fans once again. I was lucky not to attend the show!

Axl copped a serve in Ireland recently too Johnnie, not like he didnt deserve it though. I'd chuck a water bottle or ten at the c*nt too if i had been in that crowd waiting for almost 90 minutes for him to get on stage.
Yes, at least Dublin showed it to him, unlike Czech pussies, who were waiting for two hours and the show reportedly sucked cock.
...I'm still waiting Scott to announce that "this is the lineup" - and it does NOT include Belladonna...:)

T:) ...back to lurking mode...
just saw a post on blabbermouth and he goes who gives a fuck about covers...pretty silly comment when your band plays so many of them...,scott is a tosspot

In fairness to the guy, he was being asked about covers on the next record; nothing to do with the past stuff they've done or played previously.
In fairness to the guy, he was being asked about covers on the next record; nothing to do with the past stuff they've done or played previously.

And I was very thrilled about their Brain Of J cover version, with Scott having said that was the best cover they had done (or something silly like that), with Mike McCready on guitar. Oh well. Who gives a fuck about covers and stuff they were doing for ten years? Let's sport fake mullets you guys and pretend it's 87 over again...
Yes, at least Dublin showed it to him, unlike Czech pussies, who were waiting for two hours and the show reportedly sucked cock.
last time gnr were in australia they came on after midnite,if it werent for the brilliant support acts rose tattoo and bach there woulda been a riot lol,actually seeing gnr after the car races in december,90 buck for the races and gnr included,what a bargain timmy!!!!
...I'm still waiting Scott to announce that "this is the lineup" - and it does NOT include Belladonna...:)

T:) ...back to lurking mode...
You're also patiently awaiting the John Bush and Pearl collaboration called PEARL'S BUSH. That shit'll be hotter than a flaming popsicle.