Scott Ian on VH1 passover special!


New Metal Member
Apr 17, 2005
Scott, and Jay Jay French (or maybe it was another TS member) are going to part of a Passover special on VH1. I believe Passover is the 24th of this month, so there you should be interesting, our favorite rhythm guitarist celebrating his heritage.
sufferer said:
Yeah but most of them were crappy videos. I prefer VH1 classic.

Waste of time for me even trying to look at VH1 via the net with dial-up....

Sucks big time - my bro-in-law has cable, so I use that when I can scab it.

In fact I saw the deathrider :headbang: (GO2E Version) clip on VH1 using his pc - pretty funny video in parts, nice chicks in it as well..... but will never mention that part to my wife :)

Hey, I noticed your avatar - is that Barry Sanders and is he still playing. Sorry for my ignorance, but I live in Australia so I am a little behind at times with the NFL going's on.......
ZTPioneer said:
Scott, and Jay Jay French (or maybe it was another TS member) are going to part of a Passover special on VH1. I believe Passover is the 24th of this month, so there you should be interesting, our favorite rhythm guitarist celebrating his heritage.

Incidentally, according to Jewish law, on that particular day of Passover Jews aren't allowed to, among other things, use electricity.

Well so much for that one...