Scott Ian, your full of shit!


New Metal Member
Mar 13, 2002
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Mr. Scott Ian,
U think that Dan Lilker getting the shaft was the only thing wrong with ur behind the music? Your telling me u dont care that they didnt mention "state of euphoria" and "spreading the disease"? two of ur best albums! u dont care that there was no mention of how dan spitz joined/left the band? u dont care that there was no mention that Mr. Lilker went on to start/join some of metals most respected bands i.e. Nuclear Assault, brutal truth, the Ravenous, S.O.D.? And speaking of S.O.D., why not even a mere mention of that project? It was a successful one. So why not say something about it? If they would have not got so deep into tour tragedies and not said about u giving metallica a toaster, maybe all these good things would have been mentioned. I mean fuck, every metal fan on earth knows u gave Metallica a fuckin toaster! Why mention it for the thousanth time? And no offense against u Scott, cause u r the man, but was it the Anthrax story or the Scott Ian story? Fuck vh1, fuck behind the music, that story sucked dick, Im sorry, but its the truth.
Well, you try cramming 20 years into 44 minutes and see how much shit you end up leaving out. He didn't edit the show himself, you know. He can't go on ranting forever and ever about everything he thought was wrong about it. Ever think that's why he mentioned putting out the DVD? (Like we're all hoping for?)I'm sure he knows we all taped it, obviously if we're gonna buy it, it would have more on it. THEY (VH1) mentioned Metallica's toaster so THEY (VH1) could get Metallica on there. Why else would they have brought up Cliff's death, since it was on Metallica's AND Megadeth's already? Duh. It's called ratings. I'm not saying it's right or anything, because I would have loved to have seen a whole lot more (cough-Bush-cough) but cut him some slack. It's not his fault.

p.s. thedarkestknight and johnniec, good job at vh1! (and anyone else there who didn't have a name that I recognized from here!!) I can't join right now, some error on their site, but i'll go back in a while. I hate ignorant pricks like that!!!
i never blamed Scott Ian. Hes not the producer or the director. And ratings? People dont know before they see it that metallicas on there, so if they wanted to see it, theyd watch it regardless. And as far as Cliff, thats not for ratings, I hardly think Anthrax would let them exploit one of their good late friends. I know its not Scotts fault, Im sayinf hes full of shit if he thinks not mentioning Lilker as a founder was the only thing they fucked up on. Oh, and what about the not man, he deserves at least a mention.
Cramming 20 years into 44 minutes is a mixing nightmare! I thought all in all the Anthrax behind the music was pretty good! I myself have several Anthrax home videos and there was still alot of information that I had never heard! I certainly agree with Scott about Dan Liker, he should have been included for sure. As far as Metallica getting mentioned on the show, I think it was a good plug only because of the relation between Johnny Z(megaforce), Metallica, and Anthrax, nothing more, nothing less! I hope they do get a chance to release this to DVD for I'm sure us full fledged Anthrax fans would appreciate all the extra's. The other thing to remember about the Anthrax Behind the Music is that VH-1 tries to make the show watchable for everybody, this includes Non-Anthrax fans. Overall, I still think it was pretty good. Without question, the largest moment of the show was when Frankie was talking about his brother! That moment touched me deeply and I think your the best Frankie!

Anthrax, you are the real Anthrax!

Much love everybody!

For real!
Well, what I mean is, if it didn't come across this way, is that he probably has as many problems as you do, but he can't go on and on about them because he's supposed to make us all want to watch it. Think of all the people that don't know that much about Anthrax and one of their members is going, "that is the biggest piece of shit I've ever seen, we shouldn't have even bothered"? That's not going to win anyone over. Although people would probably watch just to see what pissed him off. LOL That's how publicity works. Anyway, adding Metallica (the way they did-there were different ways they could have included them, IMO) was just for ratings, that's why before every commercial, they waste like 2 minutes going on about "next" and "later" instead of just letting you watch it through and seeing more stuff in the time those segments take up. It's to keep you on that channel through the commercial break. I liked what I saw, I just think it should have been longer or had less fucking commercials. No, I am not buying Clairol hair dye now because I saw it during the Anthrax BTM, even though it is my husband's dream to see me in red hair (WTF is with that, guys?). I'm not getting a cell phone or using 10-10-220 either. :lol: I WILL go to Jack in the Box though, only cause we don't have a White Castle. :waah:
Hasn't anyone ever seen Behind the Music before? It isn't like they make these shows for the fans of the band, they make them for a general audience who may not know anything about the band.

And the Metallica stuff is in there to show how Anthrax had such bad luck on their tours. They were touring w/ Metallica when Cliff was killed, right?
Originally posted by joshanxt
Mr. Scott Ian,
U think that Dan Lilker getting the shaft was the only thing wrong with ur behind the music? Your telling me u dont care that they didnt mention "state of euphoria" and "spreading the disease"? two of ur best albums! u dont care that there was no mention of how dan spitz joined/left the band? u dont care that there was no mention that Mr. Lilker went on to start/join some of metals most respected bands i.e. Nuclear Assault, brutal truth, the Ravenous, S.O.D.? And speaking of S.O.D., why not even a mere mention of that project? It was a successful one. So why not say something about it? If they would have not got so deep into tour tragedies and not said about u giving metallica a toaster, maybe all these good things would have been mentioned. I mean fuck, every metal fan on earth knows u gave Metallica a fuckin toaster! Why mention it for the thousanth time? And no offense against u Scott, cause u r the man, but was it the Anthrax story or the Scott Ian story? Fuck vh1, fuck behind the music, that story sucked dick, Im sorry, but its the truth.

Fuckin' A! Write vh1 w/ this complaint...that rant wasted valuable time for me!:lol:
hey man you're full of shit... but no offense! how the hell can you say that? and I think the metallica stuff had every reason to be in it. I didn't know Anthrax gave metallica a toaster!!! so fuck I got something out of it. Hell I didn't even know they were on the tour when cliff died. SOD isn' Anthrax so why would they put that on there? they didn't mention armored saint or any of the other bands Anthrax members have been in. Anthrax the band was on tour with metallica when cliff dies I think that had more place in it than SOD. now not mentioning two albums at all is wrong but oh well. I still got to see Anthrax BTM and it was bad fucking ass!
but how can you tell some one they are full of shit and say "but no offense!"
thats what I want to fucking know you goddamn retard! but no offense man realy!
I think it was good for what it was. Remember it was "Behind The Music". Not a detailed History of the band(Although I would love to see a detailed History of the band with everyone interviewed and the reasons why they left or were kicked out, and all the lineups and how long those lineups stayed the same). For anyone who has no clue about the band, I am sure it was very interesting. For us poor crazy fuckers who know way to much about them, it was a little short. But I took it for what it was "Behind The Music", and I enjoyed every minute of it, and learned some interesting stuff that I did not know(and I thought I knew alot!)