Scott reviews the Blackening


Feb 18, 2002
St. Petersburg, FL
On Machinehead's site,, Scott reviews the album and I gotta agree with 100% of what he said. The album is SICK!! Still hasn't left my CD player since I got it. Check out their site.
Yeah Scott's totally on the money. The Blackening is an awesome record.
Classic Rock magazine had an interesting review on it - the first one I've seen that isn't all positive. Something to the effect that it seems good now, but time will tell whether its something to be proud of. I agree that so far I have really enjoyed it. Looking forward to having every individual track jump out at me as unique.
Classic Rock magazine had an interesting review on it - the first one I've seen that isn't all positive. Something to the effect that it seems good now, but time will tell whether its something to be proud of. I agree that so far I have really enjoyed it. Looking forward to having every individual track jump out at me as unique.
Any good album is always like that...the test of time is an important test. I heard a quote from one of the member's of Machine Head that this album was their "Master of Puppets". It's a bold statement for sure, but I'm not entirely sure of the context so I can't tell if they were simply saying that it's their own greatest album, or if their grandiosly predicting the influence it might have. In some ways I am reminded of Metallica from their glory days on The Blackening (and a direct comparison can even be made with their cover of "Battery" on the special edition), and there's no question that today this is a great album, and an early candidate for best of 2007. Just "Clenching the Fists of Dissent" alone I could probably play on repeat all day long.

That said, will it stand the test of time? Will we still be talking about it in 2o years, or even 2 years? Only time will tell.