Scott's machine gun like rhythm


Jul 15, 2002
In between
:Smokedev: I've been playin for 17 years and I can only get to the first part of the chorus on any given "old" Thrax tune. For example, I can get thru the 1st chorus of Gung Ho, and start the next verse but then my pick hand starts to ache BAD and so does my fret hand. The only parts that get "sore" are the balls of both thumbs. Anyone got any NON stupid assed ideas on how to "fix" this?
Just relax more when you play. Maybe when you're picking you tighten up and as a result, your hands start hurting more. Just relax, and you won't get achey as fast.

Plus the answer that you're (not)really looking for: PRACTICE PRACTICE PRATICE. :D
Anarchy, I use thins 50mm as they bend easily which is easier for me to use. I've tried med and heav but they just don't "work" that way the thins do.

Slaughter, yeah I figured as much honestly, but as with everything, I'd rather "run" than "learn to walk first".
Originally posted by Phxthrax
Anarchy, I use thins 50mm as they bend easily which is easier for me to use. I've tried med and heav but they just don't "work" that way the thins do.

Slaughter, yeah I figured as much honestly, but as with everything, I'd rather "run" than "learn to walk first".

You want your picks to bend? I HATE that feeling. But whatever floats your boat.

This floats mine. :D
i built up my speed and endurance by picking as fast as i could for as long as i could whenever i picked up my guitar... so, sometimes i'd do it maybe 3-5 times a day.

it's like a workout. you'll be able to do it longer and faster after a while.
Originally posted by SlaughterofSoul
Just relax more when you play. Maybe when you're picking you tighten up and as a result, your hands start hurting more. Just relax, and you won't get achey as fast.

Plus the answer that you're (not)really looking for: PRACTICE PRACTICE PRATICE. :D

Practice is the best answer for sure, and I would certainly agree that it's the answer you may have not wanted to hear, but it's the one true way :D

I would be willing to bet that Scott's handshake would break all of our hands :eek:

He has played for so damm long that his arm may actually be a mechanical part now! :D


i have been playin guitar for a while now and i dont even attamept to play most anthrax rythms,i just dont have the time to practice.

i love playing the guitar but i would average playing bout 2 hours a week.

there is no better feeling than creating a killer riff!!!!!!
Originally posted by Steve M
i built up my speed and endurance by picking as fast as i could for as long as i could whenever i picked up my guitar... so, sometimes i'd do it maybe 3-5 times a day.

it's like a workout. you'll be able to do it longer and faster after a while.

I can jack-off REALLY fucking fast!! Steve's picking rule applies the same way.
Practice, practice, practice.
Originally posted by nafnikufesin
Thanks, Thra:rofl:ude. I really needed to hear that.

And hey, being fast isn't always something to be proud of... :lol:

Um...wait a minute.... You know that I'm refering to fast TEMPO, right?
I can last a long time (thanks to all the practice).

I don't know if I should be discussing this.
Oh, well. What are ya gonna do?

Jesus. I'm a sick bastard.:D
See? Even when we have an Anthrax related thread, six tangents later we're in a totally different place.

Mind you, I have to take some responsability for one of the tangents in this thread. I'd apologize, wait, I wouldn't apologize, so never mind :lol: