Scott's Tweet


Senile Member
Apr 5, 2005
Sorry for posting this twice - after security update my wlan connection is fucked...:(

"Scott_Ian: Writing non stop lately. New Anthrax lyrics, Lobo book 2, Bluff magazine column. The words are flowing. "

Words for John to sing? New or old songs...? Anyway good to know that they are working!


So I wonder if that means new lyrics to existing songs. They must (legally??) have to not use Dan Nelson's work.
that would be my guess...and that would mean that now it is time for John to jump on board and make new vocal melodies and whatever he does...:)

So I wonder if that means new lyrics to existing songs. They must (legally??) have to not use Dan Nelson's work.

Well if he gave permission they could. But it's probably more benificial to scrap his writing creds and rewrite the lyrics and give John a chance to throw some of his own ideas on there too (if he's not tapped out after writing for the upcoming Saint record).

Man, I can't wait. We get two new John Bush records soon (I hope!)
...if I were in their situation...I would start from the scratch...or at least replace the songs they played live with Dan to new ones...doing so they would avoid comparison between Dan and John...

Dan Nelson as write nothing for Anthrax, Scott always write the lyrics (John is the only other one who as writing lyrics for anthrax) since the departure of Neil Turbin. And when Dan join the band, the lyrics and the songs were done, the song was finish when they wanted to record them with Corey Taylor.
Dan had not a big input on the writing process. He own the song very well and make a big job, but Charlie always bring the song, Scott the lyrics and Frank and Scott the melodies, like usual.