Ace Kendrich
New Metal Member
Kerry: There's a damn good reason. It isn't too long an explanation. [MEGADETH's Dave] Mustaine came to me that day and [METALLICA's] James [Hetfield] came to me that day saying, "Hey, it would be really cool if you played." I knew Jeff [Hanneman, SLAYER guitarist] wouldn't do it, and I knew Tom [Araya, SLAYER bassist/vocalist] wouldn't do it. And I also knew after we played that neither one of them would edit our video that was going to cinemas in a couple hours, so I told James and Mustaine both, "Listen, man. I've gotta edit our video before I can even think about playing with you guys." So the entire time of the set change between SLAYER and METALLICA, I was editing that video. I came running to the tuning room after I got done picking the songs, and they were already onstage. And to make it an even better story, I found out at 1 a.m. the night prior, so I really had no chance to work on that stuff or anything. So I wanted to; it just couldn't happen. I've got a lot of flack for that but yeah, that's the story.
I don't buy that shit at all. KK may very well have been busy editing, but if he was close enough to the stage to have "just missed" them going out there, why the fuck wasn't he in the picture at the end?
Also, Anthrax played "Am I Evil?" at their solo show the night before, to try it out, so if they knew AT LEAST a full day in advance, how in the hell did the Slayer guys not know? I'm sure all of that was planned out more than a few days before, just so they could make sure they had the extra equipment layout down. Kerry either needs to quit talking about it, or man up, and just admit he didn't want to be involved.