SD2.0 First run (Death/Thrash)


Den Mørke Natt
Oct 22, 2008
Sacramento, CA
While still having problems with Metal Foundry I took it upon myself to give SD2.0 a test run with a quick beat I threw down last night. I have been wanting to write one grinding Blackened Death/Thrash metal tune (since my normal music is melodic orchestral. Since I do not listen to Death or Black metal (nor do I like any of it beyond Behemoth), my tune is so generic that I know that I totally ripped somebody off.

Either way, take a listen to my first attempt at SD2.0, sounding pretty bitching so far, going to get into blending my sample library soon. Somehow I find myself liking the samples of SD over MF for metal, SD seems to have more of a scooped deep punch and loads of crack and dynamic.

Guitars are just TSE_X30 (I hate amp sims but my adapter for my OD pedal broke and I would rather use sims that hear a clusterfuck of loose tone) and sprehigh cab. Bass is just a tube screamer sim some eq, compression and sprehigh cab (seems to work good for bass too).

so tell me what you think of the drum tone.
I think in the non-double kick parts, the kick barely cuts thru at all. I think the toms aren't very present either.

For hating amp sims, you got a pretty good tone out of this one, tho. :lol:
I am really stubborn and have to use all the mic bleed samples which in a really mic'd kits problem occurs getting the close mics loud enough without drowning out the OH's. I totally mixed all the drums before recording guitars too which didn't help, but mixing the drums inside the mix would help as well as blending them with my samples as I am still finding my snare and kick samples pretty killer.

The guitar tone is ok, its not bad by all means, its just that I do not like the plasticness and lack of a musical fizz and warmth that is lost in sims, that and they have overbearing upper mids that you can't eq out without killing the overtones.