My first SD2.0 mix


Feb 12, 2012
After what seemed an eternity, i finally convinced myself to get SD2.0 and replace Addictive. I'm quite pleased with the resulst, despite being my first ever mix with this (with my own preset of course).
Guitars are di's ran through tse808, lepou's lecto and lecab with some diezel v30 impulses(quite tasty ones might i add), ssl4000 for some eq and compression and waves nls.
Mastered with Slate Digital FG-X.
Let me know what you think, this is one of Ola's bone-crushing songs.
I like the quite natural sounding kick-drum, but for this style I would probably cut the bass frequencies a bit and have a bit more attacking click to it. On the initial riff with the slow double-bass the volume is quite inconsistent. I think the hi-hat is a bit loud compared to the rest of the cymbals (eg around 36 seconds). I would be inclined to reverb up the snare a bit more during the non-blasting sections, and try to get a bit more crack into the sound with eq/compression or another sample.

The rest of it sounds good, though the bass perhaps lacks a bit of clarity and could use some more mid presence. Cool :)