SE reflexion Filter or vocal booth in a wardrobe?


I are Joe
Nov 2, 2009
Wales, United Kingdom
So im stepping up once more to try and get a better vocal sound so would you guys recommend me to
.Buy some acoutic treatment and line the wardrobe with that (I willbe removing clothes and shelves etc etc..
.Buy the reflexion filter instead?
do the first one and then put the reflexion filter in the wardrobe as well?

I have about £200 total to spend
I tried making a vocal booth out of a wardrobe, but it turned out shit. Don't buy a SE Reflexion filter though, buy a Millenium Mic Screen instead. Put a mattress behind the vocalist.
Yes. Put the mattress behind whatever you're recording, like behind the vocalist etc... so it should dampen most of the reflections. Just experiment! You MIGHT have to put something over the thing, but not necessarily.
The SE one I have heard works pretty well. Also, if I ever get some spare cash for one, I wouldn't mind getting one of these from them for the 57 on the snare.
Personally I think that homemade vocals booths aren't the greatest. Unless it's big enough to get some thick foam in there you're still going to have lower mid-range reflections going on resulting in a boxy sound. I tend to record vocals in open rooms rather than cupboards these days.

I would get a set of Auralex Aural Expanders, use the 14" baffle behind the mic, and use a mic stand to hang a thick blanket behind the singer. Should only knock you back £40-50 for the Auralex Expander kit and you'll have extra baffles and stuff to use when you're mic'ing drum kits too!
Not to derail the thread, but how important is this when using an SM7b?

Not a lot, actually. SM7's have excellent rejection. Some dudes, Devin Townsend for one, will sometimes track their vocals while blasting monitors.