searching for a new guitarsound...check this and tear apart


HCAF crusher
Jul 2, 2006
not that I'm not satisfied with the tones I get, but I thought it can't hurt to try something new.

for a current Project I was looking for a darker really saturated tone...doesn't have to be the tightest tone ever (that's what I'm usually looking for) but it needs BALLS. (heaven Shall Burn, Illdisposed etc)...guitar is only doubletracked though

so I'm trying to achieve a (for me) unusal mix...tell me what you think...right direction or does it completely suck?

total saturation

beware, it's quite loud, there's quite some clipping etc...but...meh, just a quick rough test ;)
what pickups were used? I think maybe a bit more gain will increase the bite that seems to be lacking just a tad. I get what you mean though about wanting a darker tone. other than that I think it's pretty rockin'.

some palm mutes might help to figure out if anything else needs to be done.
what pickups were used? I think maybe a bit more gain will increase the bite that seems to be lacking just a tad. I get what you mean though about wanting a darker tone. other than that I think it's pretty rockin'.

some palm mutes might help to figure out if anything else needs to be done.

thanks for listening.
it's a seymour Duncan Custom (SH-5) in an old mahogany set neck Ibanez...kinda DC Paula, a really old axe ;)
What amp did you use?
For me it needs a little less bass and little more gain

less bass and more gain is what _I usually have...wanted to try something different:)

it's a combination of 5150 ans Krankenstein+

with gain on 5.5 on the Green channel ot the 5150...I actually like the low growl that comes from these lower gain tones
I don't like it so much and can't hear any balls in it (unless we don't have the same definition of "balls" :) ).

Sounds like a good tone for sludgy/dirty/punk/stoner/rock-ish stuff. It sounds more like a tone i'd use for a stoner band or something like Entombed than for Illdisposed or Heaven Shall Burn...

Just my 2 cents though (1 cent actually).
haha...I can see it now, a whole new thread on the definition of 'balls'.

on a second listen I'd leave everything. if it's put in the right context of singer/style of metal then you're golden. I'm too used to sharp and biting tone in massive riff-laiden instrumentals.
Maybe I'm not hearing the same Heaven Shall Burn, but to me their sound has more mids/high mids with a little scoop in the low mids with then a low end grunt and isn't this dark. I'd also say your clip has more "balls", but theirs is more of a punch to the face. *shrugs* mix the Krank with a 5150II rather than a 5150 and I think you'd get closer.

Sounds cool to me, though.
on a second listen I'd leave everything. if it's put in the right context of singer/style of metal then you're golden. I'm too used to sharp and biting tone in massive riff-laiden instrumentals.

yeah, there are two more rh guits and some leads on top of it, so it's hard for you guys to see which direction I'm going of course.

the heaven shall burn was probably not the best reference, I was just looking for a band's mix that is rather sludgy and untight, and to me the HSB mix is almost boomy (not in a really negative way...hard to describe what I'm meaning.....just different from the uber-tight guitars of a sneap-mic I mean.

so actually HSB is a bad example ..... I just tried to get a overall sludgier and more "sluggish" tone.
you guys decribed it better...slugy/stoner was more the thing I had in mind

I've recorded the aditional guitars today....most of them Laney VH100 and the combination works quite nicely actually......will post a mix as soon as there'll be vocals on it

(unless we don't have the same definition of "balls" :) ).
you're french..I BET we don't have the same definition of "balls"! :)

j/k :)
you're french..I BET we don't have the same definition of "balls"! :)

j/k :)

AHAHAAHAHAHAhahahaahahahaha, love it

And Lasse, I dig the tone, and I definitely see where you're going with it - honestly, though, I think you'd have the easiest time getting this tone with your Dual Rectifier, cuz this just BEGS to have those extra balls in the low end (I feel the 5150 and especially the Krank are too tight, and just sound kinda weak at low gain without much punch IMO). Honestly, what you've got going here reminds me of a lower gain version of the tone on Behemoth's "The Apostasy" (which despite being like 4 amps, predominately features a Recto). Also, if you could get your hands on an Uberschall, then you'd REALLY be set! :D
AHAHAAHAHAHAhahahaahahahaha, love it

And Lasse, I dig the tone, and I definitely see where you're going with it - honestly, though, I think you'd have the easiest time getting this tone with your Dual Rectifier, cuz this just BEGS to have those extra balls in the low end (I feel the 5150 and especially the Krank are too tight, and just sound kinda weak at low gain without much punch IMO). Honestly, what you've got going here reminds me of a lower gain version of the tone on Behemoth's "The Apostasy" (which despite being like 4 amps, predominately features a Recto). Also, if you could get your hands on an Uberschall, then you'd REALLY be set! :D

you're right, I'd LOVE to have an Überschall for this...unfortunately it's pretty much impossible to get one in Germany :(

I'll probably even try the recto with tube rectifier an no TS, we'll see

the VH100r works quite nice as well though,
don't really know yet what we'll end up with, this was just a quick reamping for one song to find out which direction we could be going, once all the guitars are tracked (next week) we'll have the real looking forward to it, reamping through like 5-6 amps and trying all kinds of different combinations...always the best phase of the whole production-process....and the one with the most alcohol involved ;)
you're right, I'd LOVE to have an Überschall for this...unfortunately it's pretty much impossible to get one in Germany :(

I'll probably even try the recto with tube rectifier an no TS, we'll see

the VH100r works quite nice as well though,
don't really know yet what we'll end up with, this was just a quick reamping for one song to find out which direction we could be going, once all the guitars are tracked (next week) we'll have the real looking forward to it, reamping through like 5-6 amps and trying all kinds of different combinations...always the best phase of the whole production-process....and the one with the most alcohol involved ;)

Bitchin' dude, can't wait to hear it! I really think the recto would be best, because it's bass allows it to still be punchy at lower gain settings. Do you own a VH100R now? I wasn't aware, that's quite the collection you're working on! (what is it now, Recto, 5150, Krankenstein, VHT Power Amp, Soldano-clone, I'm sure I'm missing something...) And I'm surprised it's so hard to find an Uberschall in Germany, and it's pretty ironic with a name like that! :lol:
Yeah, we've tried quite some combinations ;) (oh, and tastic...I've got the Laney Ti as well ;) )

the final guitars will be:
2 tracks of 60%Recto and 40% VH100r (reamped and blended).
both through Engl v30 miced with sm57 and a 906 (about 14-18dB lower than the 57).....--->parallel comp through smart C2-->added about 20dB lower

the overdubs (another 2 tracks, not constantly but most of the time) will be's already turning out really big....will post something as soon as I have the first song done