Searching for some Mastering Partnership to work with my studio


Alex Cappa TMF Studios
Hello people. My band agenda is getting bigger each day and everymonth I´m working with better bands. I´m searching for 3 studios to make my masters divided into 3 different budgets. This way I can show your work to the bands and let them choose which one suits their likes the best.
I´m searching basically 800, 500, 250€ budget. As and example I could say 800€- Jens Borgren, 500€ Plec maybe (I don´t know his rates)
I believe an engineer working with my mixes will take the music to a higher level and "squeeze" the mix to the max!
So you can PM me or contact thru my web
I think you can raise your rate if you really want play in the big game. Assuming your price are for a full length. If your price are by song, forget what I just say:lol:
Mikaël-ange;10039613 said:
I think you can raise your rate if you really want play in the big game. Assuming your price are for a full length. If your price are by song, forget what I just say:lol:

Those are the price brackets he's looking for other people to do just the mastering work in, not his own rates for recording/mixing.

I'd recommend Richard Dowling of WAV mastering in Ireland. Has a great resume( Carcass, Cradle of filth, Entombed are some of the metal artists he's worked for) and I've used him 5-6 times on various projects and always been happy with his work. His gear is top notch and he's very easy to work with.

I'd say he'd fall in the 500euro bracket most likely.
Thanks mates! I got like 20 msg, I will reply each of you shortly!In the meantime I can offer you my mastering services in the low budget as well!. I have nice hardware Comp, EQ, converter plus plugins.
For all of you to clarify: I´m searching for this partnership not because I´m not capable of doing it (all my work has been mastered by me) is because I have no physical time to rest my ears between mixing & mastering stagevand I´m aware I can´t give my 100% in the mastering due to "mix fatiguing", that´s all ;)
I´ve recieved over 25 applies and I´m only able to choose 4-5 engineers for the low & medium budget. The high budget is for the "you know who" top notch engineers XD. I expect low&medium budget to have big impact in my customers as I hope they will perceive it as a quiality-but affordable mastering service and don´t hesitate in investing on it.
The studios that will take the low budget will be included in my stardar rates, so once the band accepts the budget they will choose which studio will take the mastering.
Then I will offer the bands a +250€ for get the medium budget and +500 for the top notch. Hope we can stablish a good work relationship and at the end all take benefit from it.
Waiting for some studio replies and I will post the chosen ones. Anyway thanks for your interest and hope we can work together in the near future.
Hey! FOA I want to thank every engineer that has contacted me to form this partnership. I´ve listened to you refferences and these are the final studios I´ve chosen:

1. Jarkko @ Tainted Studio
2. Lasse Lammert
3. Brett @ Towerstudio
4. Plec @ The Panic Room
5. Jens Bogren @ Fascination Street
6. Richard @ Wave Studio

I will start posting the mixes I get mastered by any of these 6 monsters, stay tuned. I expect to have every month on album to show you. Cheers.

Alex Cappa