Searching for vocalist for new internet based band Band - New Song.mp3

Here's the first track off the 5 track EP were going to be writing. Me and 2 friends. There's no bass yet but you get the idea. Mix isn't 100% just looking for people who would be interested!

Thanks a lot!

Hey dude I'll have a go at recording something over this today.

Lyrics might be average but it will only be because I haven't had much time to write something proper but I'm digging the track.I was meaning to do something over the one you posted in "Rate my tone"
Hey dude I'll have a go at recording something over this today.

Lyrics might be average but it will only be because I haven't had much time to write something proper but I'm digging the track.I was meaning to do something over the one you posted in "Rate my tone"

Awesome man :) cant wait to hear it!

Dont worry about lyrics at the moment
I guess it wouldn't do much in the way of showcasing my stuff, to the guys on here since audiophelia is very commonplace, but here are a couple covers of mine.. I'm purchasing an interface next Friday and a 7b the following Friday. Right now I have an sm58 and an mxl 990, but I don't usually use them in my covers since I have to borrow my guitarist's guitar port to use as an interface.. lol

- false chord lows on a decent day
- listen to the left screen, for my false chord highs. Those are all natural, through a camera mic.
- song of my other band recorded with an sm58. gutturals n stuff

PLEASE disregard my behavior in the covers.. I do it for my subscribers. <3

Anyways, yeah, I'll have a "pro" mix up this weekend, and I'll probably be using my sm 58.
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I might do a take on this. If you wanna take a listen at my screams, go to my old band's facebook page (