Seattle Appreciation Thread

One Inch Man said:
it was the best musical movement since rock n' roll exploded in the 1960's. soundgarden, alice in chains, nirvana, melvins, pearl jam, etc. make life worth living.

for someone who hated all the bullshit of 80's metal that scene was pretty much the best thing ever. :)

So I'm not the only one here that likes Nirvana?
J. said:
What's everyone's fave AiC song?
dirt, but pretty much every other song they did takes a close second.
General Zod said:
Never heard of Mark Lanegan. But since there are very few vocalists who could have replaced Layne, it's probably for the best.
lannegan is f-ing amazing, he would've probably done a great favoUr by singing with mad season for a second album. just because he gots da soul really. lizard is the dude to ask for more samples, although i have some of his solo and screaming trees stuff, and all of the queens stuff.
lizard said:
Screaming Trees, which got sucked up into the grunge thing because they were from Washington State, but they were never really grunge.
that's funny, i'd consider screaming trees to be the perfect embodiment of grunge, although maybe it's just because of their plethora of flannel. :dopey:
Demonspell said:
Not to mention the "all you need is three chords" thing...while it did discourage guitar wankery, it also resulted in hordes of meidocre bands who continue to believe that amateurism is a virtue...
i don't know why kurt gets shit for his guitar playing, he's probably one of my all time favorites. not exactly technical, but just had anger and soul and that's way more important than scales and modes.
Thanatopsis123 said:
So I'm not the only one here that likes Nirvana?
i love love love love them. nevermind changed my life the first time i heard it, very few albums can i say that about.
One Inch Man said:
i don't know why kurt gets shit for his guitar playing, he's probably one of my all time favorites. not exactly technical, but just had anger and soul and that's way more important than scales and modes.
i know why kurt gets shit for his guitar playing, it's because most people massively overrate him as a guitarist (SEE rolling stone 100 greatest guitarists :erk: ) and it's just a reaction to that by the rest of us. anger and soul are great, but there are other guitarists out there with more. you need to listen to more punkrock, my friend :lol: