Seattle showbox...


Oct 14, 2005
Anybody see what went down right during the last song of the set down at the Showbox Market last night?

Those security guards were running like apeshit and there were tons of police outside. Whatever it was, it must have been badass...

Dunno... but I remember walking out during the Night and the Silent Water to get a hotdog (dun hate me because I don't like old school Opeth... I have my selective tastes...), and they had totally thrown a drunk dude out of the Showbox... telling him to "Fuck off" and "never come back here again". Not used to seeing HUGE amounts of people like that being crowded into an Opeth concert though (considering I started seeing them live back in 04 with a way smaller crowd).
Dunno... but I remember walking out during the Night and the Silent Water to get a hotdog (dun hate me because I don't like old school Opeth... I have my selective tastes...), and they had totally thrown a drunk dude out of the Showbox... telling him to "Fuck off" and "never come back here again". Not used to seeing HUGE amounts of people like that being crowded into an Opeth concert though (considering I started seeing them live back in 04 with a way smaller crowd).

.........u left the opeth set to get a hot
on a strangely related note, I was visiting NYC the other day, and we saw a gay guy get kicked out of a club inside a hot-dog restaurant. He was also drunk, and flamingly homosexual, and was chased after by 3 large black men. And it smelled like hot dogs the whole time.
I was at the show, and outside right when the cops showed up. I was looking for news on what happened after we left, but this thread was all I could find.

I don't know what happend initially, but I heard that the first guy that got arrested kicked someone outside, and security had him on the ground.

At that point, there was only 1 officer on the scene, and he had the first guy in cuffs, searching him by his car. He wasn't being agressive or anything, but his friend starting yelling at the cop saying, "Why are you arresting my friend!?!"

Guy #2 was standing about 10-15 ft away from the officer, with his hands crossed behind his back, in a non-threatening gesture. The cop told the guy to stay back and for the most part he did.

Backup arrived, Guy #1 gets put in the car, and the first officer stares down guy #2 and storms up to him and slams him in the chest as hard as he could with both hands. The guy gets lifted a couple feet off the ground and then onto his back.

Everybody saw it, as the show JUST got out, and people started going nuts. I started yelling, asking for badge numbers, but they wouldn't tell them to me. I did get the car number of the first officer though...89142.

Anyway, that's what happened, it was a pretty fucked up show of police brutality and unnecessary force. But I got a good view of it as I was standing right on the curb watchin it from 10 ft away.
Oh jesus....when I was standing in line waiting for them to open the doors the drunkest bum I have ever seen walks up to me and my friends and starts saying random shit.
It was probably one of the funniest things I have ever seen, the man's words were BARELY distinguishable....he kept saying some shit about Johnny Cash....then he said something about his coat...he was also drinking out of one of the biggest bottles I have ever seen. Anybody else see/talk to him?

By the way, High on Fire was the worst thing I have ever witnessed live.
yes they are absolutely awful. they sound just like motorhead, only much, much shittier. but they made opeth sound that much better though, so i give them my props on a job well done
right before opeth took the stage i looked over to see Jeff Loomis and Van Willliams (literally) standing right next to me. I got to talk to them for a bit, nice guys.

(i was back by the light guy in the back right next to the bar... or the bar on the wast side of the venue to be more specific)

i saw the guy outside as well.

he was screaming something about ...

"Each and every one would die at my hand
Choking in warm ponds of blood"

At last, security took him down weak and torn
Drained from strength.