Sebastian Bach-Forever Wild 2004 DVD



Sebastian Bach- Forever Wild 2004 DVD
Eagle Entertainment

Approx 125 min.

Sebastian Bach has always rubbed me the wrong way. While at the time, I really enjoyed Skid Row’s Slave to the Grind, I just could not stand his arrogant personality. Don’t get me wrong, he’s an outstanding vocalist. Singers from the same era as Bach, can only wish they sounded as great as he does now. With his first DVD release Bach culled material from live performances, from the tour he did to promote "Bring ‘Em Bach Alive!" to uncensored clips from his defunct VH-1 show "Forever Wild." His choice of clips couldn’t have been better, Vince Neil & Ted Nugent. I have those complete shows on video in the archives. I won’t give them away, but they are fun to watch & I’m sure you fans will get a real kick out of it. On the performance end, the DVD is mainly a solo performance shot at The Whisky A-Go-Go, in Los Angeles. Even with the mediocre quality of that footage, Bach’s vocals stand out as the highlight of the entire set. There’s plenty of extras & there’s also a exclusive demo of his new band Bach Tight Five. "Always & Never the Same" play as the credits roll. I was impressed with what I heard. Remember, I said I didn’t much care for Bach’s attitude? Well, he changed my mind, when he ran a spot on the DVD where he intros a portion of the performance, where something goes terribly wrong. I won’t give it away, but he showed me, that sometimes people are perceived incorrectly. There will probably be all sorts of talk about this Spinal Tap moment on the Metal Sludge. I can really relate with someone that can look at himself & laugh.


I've always been a Skid Row fan , right up to Beside ourselves.I agree he has an excellent voice and I'd be sure to check out this DVD. I saw him on MTV a while ago giving a review on Poison , he looked like shit.What happened to "Snake" Sabo?
sixxswine said:
What happened to Sabo? He & the rest of Skid Row issued a disc called "Thick Skin" earlier this year. I haven't heard anything off it, however, I have a friend, who has seen them live & he was impressed by the new singer...

I'v Heard Thickskin hahahaha I think its Garbage They should have changed the name of the band! .... Anyways! That Dvd sounds cool!