Second Coming/Dwight Frye


Old Fart
Sep 12, 2007
This is a great Cooper song. Its a rough mix. I need to eq it a little. Hi-hats and some parts are too harsh. They were ok on my monitors but I didnt get a chance to try it on other players. Plus I want to redo the vocals. I did a few takes and left them. But its almost there. Anybody chime in on what it needs. I getting my piano chops down. Kind of fun. Fire away people. Its not a note for note and I added some stuff. Its at my soundclick site. "Second Coming/Dwight Frye"
Pretty cool man, I'd actually like a little more hi-end on the drums and it seems maybe there's a little bit too much 1-2khz on the bass? Vocals were lacking a little bit, have you tried Melodyne on them? The vox seem like they could be compressed more to get a little more feeling out of them. Also, it'd be cool if you coverd a Dylan or Tom Waits song next. Haha, sorry I know this is a metal forum but...
Hey I did a Babies (Head First, Oh was that John Waits?) cover a while back. After I did the rough mix on Second Coming I converted it to mp3 and posted it. It was late and I had to listen to the mp3 I posted with phones and the sony cans I used are shit. I cranked it up today and played it through my Klipsch pc speakers and it was better. Opposite of what I thought. The vocals were rushed and need work I agree. :) And some of the orchestra parts dont cut through enough. I have around 30 tracks on this tune and my ears were getting tired, so Im gonna head out in a few to my studio and do some more today. Im playin all instruments as usual (one man band) and the drums and keyboard stuff are new to me, so thats one of my weak points. I have many. :) The bass, I put a light chorus on it. Maybe I will get rid of it. I've been reading alot on recording and on thing I have never utilized is a HPF/LPF. Im gonna use one today on some of the tracks and see how they effect things. The vocals, I will work on compressing more and pitch adjust them. They were rushed. But there isnt much help when you stink at vocals anyway. Anyway I really appreciate your input. I enjoy all feedback. Its the only way to learn.
Redid the mix. Some of the keyboard stuff wasnt coming through. Also redid the eq and vocals. Well best I could on the vocals. Cool tune
Redid again. Vocals are what they are. I cant get no better singing. I lowered some of the tracks (orchestra tracks). They were too loud. MP3 conversion can sometimes cause problems and it did. Got it fixed as best I could. Sounds better now. Enjoy.