Second shift


freelance jackass
Feb 12, 2005
anybody here work it. my job is doing it for 2 weeks because we have such a huge push for a particular client right now. i think it sucks. here are the 2 reasons

1) i start at 2:00pm amd get out at 2:00am. nothing is open after my shift and by the time i wind down and go to bed i end up sleeping till like 11:30am. then i work out, eat and go back to work

2) this one really pisses me off. all the assholes who are still on the day shift seem to work slower now thinking that the 2nd shift will clean up their mess and finish their work along with the extra work we are trying to get done.

the only cool things are we get fed dinner every night on the company and the shift differential (25% more of my base pay).

sorry for the rant but fuck the day crew (till the week after next when i go back on days :lol: )
I am sorta on this shift like today I have to 12:30pm-9pm today and tommorrow so that pretty much eats up my whole day. Then on weekdays I have to work 4pm-9pm cause I have school and only have monday and wednesdays off cause I have evening classes.
2:00 PM - 2:00 AM ??

what the fuck ! ?

that's just these 2 weeks. usually i work 10:30am till 7:00pm which i like . this week started noon till midnight but they had to much overlap and things got done so they changed it. now it's really fucked up. that's why management gets the big bucks.

because of the shift defferential this week i have 48 hours at time and a quarter (because you can't get overtime for the holiday) and 8 hours at almost double time.

i just feel sorry for people who work this shift. i'd rather work nights again before this one.
At my last job, I worked 2-10:30pm and on Friday 12:30-9pm. It was perfect. I got out early enough to go out and get polluted and went in late enough to be able to sleep it off. When I wasn't drinking, I could do side-work on motorcycles before I had to be at the regular job. Life was good.
I've been working 2p-11p since March. Not my favorite shift, especially since my son started school, but I'm used to it. My biggest problem is I usually eat something when I get home, which is not good with how close to bedtime it is. My boss keeps talking about giving me days sometime in the near future, but it's yet to appear on the board that way.
I had a friend and a neighbor work 4pm - 12/12:30 pm and they seemed to like it. My friend did say at times it sucked but he made do and my neighbor was older so he used to work around the house after he got up then he'd go to work and he liked it.

Another neighbor work either from 6am - 6 pm or 6pm - 6am at an oil refinery. He told me if you can get used to it - it is worth it because sometime he gets 6 days off in a row as opposed to 2.

I few years back I worked a 9/80 and loved it until mgt fucked it up!!!
12 hour day 2pm to 2am?!?!?!? That just sucks.

I used to work a second shift of 2:45 - 10:45 and that was awesome. I’d be able to go out afterwards, get toasted and still be fine for work the next day. But then again I was single, it’s a great shift for single guys.
I used to work that shift waaay back in my 20's :zombie:
It was kinda kewl once I got used to it. Walking around my Town for hours around Dawn and I got totally addicted to watching the Old B/W "UNTOUCHABLES" Series at 2:00 am everynite/day.

Cripes now I'm a old Fuck I find it hard staying awake through a whole concert!
How lame is that? Someone shoot me.............o_O

I work 5A - 3P, but usually start at 3A and work til 7P. Though not always on the same day. Sat is usually 5A - 7P, Sun 7A - 7P.

If it weren't for my kids, I'd be back on 'noons. Not sure why but my body responds better to that shift. I don't mind getting up in the middle of the night to go to work, but I have trouble getting to bed early enough so I feel like ass all the next day.
MichiMikey said:
I work 5A - 3P, but usually start at 3A and work til 7P. Though not always on the same day. Sat is usually 5A - 7P, Sun 7A - 7P.

If it weren't for my kids, I'd be back on 'noons. Not sure why but my body responds better to that shift. I don't mind getting up in the middle of the night to go to work, but I have trouble getting to bed early enough so I feel like ass all the next day.
Are you bringing home some serious OT checks?
Yeah, Double D, I am....

and I hate to bitch in this economy, cuz I am lucky to have a job -especially in Michigan (GO TIGERS!), but that shit comes with a price.

I'm never home, miss my kids, school work suffers, only used my camper once this summer...etc.

But, as I said, I am lucky to have a job.
this shift has been extended till the end of october when they should have people in place to work it full time. they posted 10 jobs yesterday for this crew. me and another late guy are rotating weeks. this is my week on.
i knew once they tried it "temporarily" it would never go back to not being there. the one good thing is now that the initial disater phase is over we been getting out around midnight.
i'm having late night starbucks withdrawls and have resorted to drinking bottled frappes out of a brown paper bag.standing by the gas staion on the corner after work. i feel an intervention coming :lol:
karrokid said:
this shift has been extended till the end of october when they should have people in place to work it full time. they posted 10 jobs yesterday for this crew. me and another late guy are rotating weeks. this is my week on.
i knew once they tried it "temporarily" it would never go back to not being there. the one good thing is now that the initial disater phase is over we been getting out around midnight.
i'm having late night starbucks withdrawls and have resorted to drinking bottled frappes out of a brown paper bag.standing by the gas staion on the corner after work. i feel an intervention coming :lol:

I really wish you had a Beaner's in Nashville. Their coffee destroys Starbucks.
MichiMikey said:
Yeah, Double D, I am....

and I hate to bitch in this economy, cuz I am lucky to have a job -especially in Michigan (GO TIGERS!), but that shit comes with a price.

I'm never home, miss my kids, school work suffers, only used my camper once this summer...etc.

But, as I said, I am lucky to have a job.

I agree.

I have a friend with a master's degree that cannot even get an interview for jobs. He has been unemployed for about 2 months now. Times are tough in Michigan:erk: .
MyHatred said:
I agree.

I have a friend with a master's degree that cannot even get an interview for jobs. He has been unemployed for about 2 months now. Times are tough in Michigan:erk: .
I remember graduating college in 1992 and the ecomony in Cali sucked hard. I was interviewing for and talking $7hr jobs when I should have been earing more like $11-12hr at that time.